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MS English

allegory having another meaning
allusion refering to an outside work of literature
climax point of highest interest
connotation implied meaning of a word
denotation dictionary meaning of a word
convention recognized means of expression
diction word choice
euphemism choice of words avioding bluntness or rudeness
figurative language using metaphors, similes, irony other than literal meaning
genre literary form such as a poem, novel, essay
hyperbole exageration
imagery sensory details of a work
irony intent and meaning differ
jargon special language of a profession or group
literal concrete meaning
metaphor comparison expressed without as, like, or than
narrative techniques methods & procedures in telling a story
novel fiction narrative of considerable length
ominiscient point of view narrator knows, sees, & reports whatever they choose
oxymoron combination of opposites
parable story designed to suggest a moral or lesson
paradox self contradicting but true
parody imitates another composition with a comical effect
personification non humans with human characteristics
plot interrelated actions that move to a climax an dfinal resolution
point of view several vantage points from which a story is told
rhetorical question question asked for effect, not for a reply
rhetorical techniques devices used in effective or persuasive language (repitition, paradox, understatement, sarcasm)
satire seeks to arouse a reader's disapproval of an object using ridicule
setting background to a story
simile direct comparison
soliloquy character speaks thoughts aloud
strategy management of language for a specific effect
structure arangement of materials within a work
style manner of expression of an author
syllogism two statements are made and a conclusion is drawn
symbol sign for something else
theme main thought expressed by a work
thesis meaning or position that a writier undertakes to prove or support
tone manner in which author expresses attitude
tragedy serious content and an unhappy ending
protagonist hero
antagonist villain
denouement solution to a problem
ballad poem that is meant to be sung
free verse not rhymed, no metrical pattern
prose less rhythm, no punctuation
sonnett poem having 14 lines w/ iambic pentameter & formal arrangement of rhymes
flashback moves to a time prior to that of the main story, author can reveal why characters are what they are
foreshadowing uses clues to suggest events that have not yet occurred
Created by: drentoria
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