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Pharmacology #10

Final Exam study guide (multiple choice) Ch 1-59 all #10/3 questions shortened

1. Male volunteers are usually selected for drug testing during a phase I study for which reason? The risk for damaging or destroying ova is too great.
2. A nurse is preparing to administer a prescribed drug to a patient who has liver disease. The nurse expects a reduction in dosage based on the understanding that which of the following might be altered? Metabolism
3. A patient exhibits muscular tremors, drooling, gait changes, and spasms. When reviewing the patient’s medication history, which of the following would the nurse most likely find? Antipsychotic agent
4. After teaching the parents of a child who is receiving drug therapy, which statement indicates the need for additional teaching? “We can use the same medication that we use for similar problems in our child, but we might need to adjust the dosage.”
5. The Physician orders a patient to receive 1000 mL of intravenous fluid over the next 8 hours. The intravenous delivery set is a macrodrip system. The nurse would set the infusion to run at which rate? 32 gtts/min
6. When describing the characteristics of the patient who comes into the health care system today, which of the following would apply? The use of complex array of OTC and alternative therapies
7. Which of the following statements best reflects the cell cycle? The life cycle of the cell involves four active phases and a resting phase.
8. Which of the following would contribute to drug resistance? Antibiotic prescription for viral illness
9. After teaching a patient who is prescribed oral erythromycin, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the patient states which of the following? “I should drink a full 8-oz glass of water when I take the medicine.”
10. Assessment of a patient who is receiving nelfinavir reveals a severe life-threatening arrhythmia. The nurse would check the patient’s history for use of which of the following? Midazolam
11. A patient is receiving itraconazole. Which of the following drugs should be avoided? Select all that apply. Simvastatin Midazolam Pimozide
12. Atovaquone is indicated for use in which of the following? Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
13. Which drug would the nurse identify as the drug of choice for treating a threadworm infection? Ivermectin
14. A patient asks the nurse why the chemotherapy is often administered in cycles. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate? “We want to attack the cells that might be dormant or moving into a new phase.
15. Which substance is responsible for stimulating T and B cells to initiate an immune response? Interleukin-1
16. Which of the following would be appropriate to use in combination with gold salts? Low-dose corticosteroids
17. A group of students are reviewing information about immune modulators in preparation for a test. The students demonstrate understanding of the material when they identify which of the following as an immune stimulant? Interferon
18. To prevent meningococcal infections, the nurse would administer which of the following? Vaccine
19. After studying for a test on the brain and spinal cord, the students demonstrate understanding when they identify the spinal cord as being made up of how many pairs of nerves? 31
20. A nurse is preparing to administer an anxiolytic to a patient. Which of the following would be most appropriate for the nurse to do before administering the drug? Have the patient void.
21. A patient is receiving fluoxetine. The nurse would monitor the patient for which of the following? Cough
22. A child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is to receive methylphenidate twice a day. The nurse would instruct the parents to administer the last dose before which time? 6 PM
23. A child is experiencing febrile seizures for which phenobarbital is ordered to be given intravenously. The dose is administered at 10 AM. The nurse understands that a second dose of the drug may be given at which time? 4 PM
24. After reviewing the drugs used to treat Parkinson’s disease, the students demonstrate understanding when they identify which of the following as a dopaminergic agent? Bromocriptine
25. Signs and symptoms of which of the following would necessitate discontinuation of dantrolene therapy? Hepatic dysfunction
26. A patient is to receive naltrexone. The nurse would expect to administer this drug by which route? Oral
27. After reviewing information about general anesthetics, a group of students demonstrate understanding of the information when they identify which of the following as acting like gas anesthetics? Volatile liquids
28. When a depolarizing NMJ agent is used, which of the following occurs? Continuous sustained muscle contraction
29. After teaching a group of students about the differences between the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, the instructor determines that the students have understood the information when they state which of the following? The sympathetic nervous system preganglionic fibers are short, while those in the parasympathetic nervous system are long.
30. Which of the following would a nurse expect to administer if a patient who is receiving isoproterenol develops a sever reaction? Beta-adrenergic blockers
31. Which patient statement indicates the need for additional teaching about propranolol? “I can stop the drug once my blood pressure is controlled.”
32. Which of the following would be most important to have readily available for a patient who is receiving an indirect-acting cholinergic agonist and develops a severe reaction? Atropine
33. The nurse administers atropine intramuscularly at 9:00 AM. At which time would the nurse expect the drug’s peak effects to occur? 9:30 AM
34. After teaching a group of students about the negative feedback system, the instructor determines that the students have understood the information when they identify which hormone as not being regulated by this mechanism? Prolactin
35. A patient is to undergo fertility treatment and is to receive an agent that induces ovulation because her ovaries are functioning. Which agent would this most likely be? Chorionic gonadotropin
36. A nurse is reviewing the history of a patient who is to receive glucocorticoid therapy. Which of the following would the nurse identify as a contraindication to the drug’s use? Acute infection
37. A patient is prescribed ibandronate. The nurse instructs the patient to take the drug at which frequency? Once a month
38. A patient newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes asks the nurse why he cannot just take a pill. The nurse would incorporate knowledge of which of the following when responding to this patient? Insulin is needed because the beta cells of the pancreas are no longer functioning.
39. A patient complains of menstrual cramps. The nurse understands that this is due to which of the following? Prostaglandins
40. A patient who is taking oral contraceptives develops an upper respiratory infection for which tetracycline is ordered. Which instruction would be most important for the nurse to include? Using an alternate means of contraception while taking the tetracycline
41. A group of students are reviewing the drugs available for treating penile erectile dysfunction. The students demonstrate understanding when they identify which drug as a PDE5 inhibitor? Sildenafil
42. Fluid moves into the arterial end of a capillary due to which of the following? Hydrostatic pressure
43. A patient who has been receiving verapamil for several months comes to the clinic reporting significant dizziness, lightheadedness, and fatigue. He also reports frequent episodes of nausea and swelling of his ankles. Which question would be critical t “Have you been drinking any grapefruit juice lately?”
44. A patient received an intravenous bolus of inamrinone. The nurse would anticipate repeating the dose at which time if needed? 30 minutes
45. A patient is to receive esmolol. The nurse would expect to administer this agent by which route? Intravenous
46. Which of the following drugs should be avoided by a patient taking nitrates? Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors
47. A patient with atrial fibrillation who is receiving oral anticoagulant therapy is receiving atorvastatin. The nurse would monitor this patient for which of the following? Bleeding
48. A patient who is experiencing the signs and symptoms of an acute myocardial infarction says that his symptoms started at 10:00 AM this morning. It is now 11:15 AM. What the latest time that the patient could receive a thrombolytic agent? 4:00 PM
49. When describing the function of vitamin B12 which of the following would be appropriate to include? Maintenance of myelin sheath
50. When describing the fluid in the ascending loop of Henle, which of the following would be most accurate? Hypotonic
51. After teaching a group of students about loop diuretics, the instructor determines that the teaching has been successful when the students identify which agent as the safest for use in the home? Furosemide
52. When explaining the action of dutasteride as treatment for BPH, the nurse would explain that the drug acts to achieve which of the following? Inhibition of testosterone conversion
53. With bronchitis, proteins leak into the area due to which of the following? Changes in capillary permeability
54. When describing the effects of second generation antihistamines, which of the following would the nurse address as being decreased? Sedation
55. Which statement by a patient who is prescribed triamcinolone indicates the need for additional teaching? “I should see some results in about 3 to 4 days.”
56. Which of the following occurs first when pressure receptors in the back of the throat and pharynx send impulses to the medulla to stimulate nerves? Soft palate elevates
57. Which of the following best reflects the rationale for using histamine-2 receptor antagonists for stress ulcer prophylaxis? Protects the stomach lining via acid blockage
58. The nurse is preparing to administer dexpanthenol to a patient based on the understanding that this drug acts in which manner? Increasing acetylcholine levels
59. A patient who received palonosetron prior to a chemotherapy session asks the nurse if she can have a prescription for this drug in case she has n/v. Which of the following would the nurse need to keep in mind when responding to the patient? Seven days must pass before a repeat dose can be given.
Created by: moo2youk
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