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drdonna Chapter 3

Physical Development

Mitochondrial theory The theory that aging is caused by the decay of the mitochondria, which are tiny cellular bodies that supply energy for cell function, growth, and repair
Cellular Clock Theory The theory that the number of times human cells can divide is about 75 to 80. As we age our cells are less able to divide.
Life span The upper boundary of life, which is the maximum number of years an individual can live.
SIDS Condition that occurs when an infant stops breathing, usually during the night, and suddenly dies without an apparent cause.
Neurogenesis The generation of new neurons.
Corpus collosum A large bundle of axion fibers that connects the brain's left and right hemispheres.
Amygdala A part of the brain's limbic system that is the seat of emotions such as anger.
Prefontal cortex The "judgment" region reins in intense emotions but does not finish developing until at least emerging adulthood.
Lateralization Specialization of function in one hemisphere or the other of the cerebral cortex.
Climacteric The midlife transition during which fertility declines.
Puberty A period of rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes during early adolescence.
hypothalmus A structure in the brain that is involved with eating and sexual behavior.
gonadotropins Hormones that stimulate the testes or ovaries
Adrenal gladn It interacts with the pitutary gland and likely plays a role in pubertal development, but less is known about its function than about sex glands.
Cephalocaudal The sequence in which the fastests growth occurs at the top of the body -- the head and feature differentiation gradually working from top to bottom.
Created by: drdonna
Popular Psychology sets




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