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Terminology week 4

Acute Pain Sudden pain that results from injury or inflammation
Acupuncture Nonpharmacological treatment for pain that involves the application of needles
Analgesic An agent that relieves pain
Anoxia Lack of oxygen to the brain
Arthritis Condition associated with joint pain
Aura Unusual sensation, auditory, visual, or olfactory hallucination that is experienced
Biofeedback Non-pharmacological treatment for pain that involves relaxation techniques
Catatonia Symptom of schizophrenia associated with unresponsiveness and immobility
Chronic Pain Pain that persists for a long period of time; usually three months
Circadian Rhythms Biological change that occurs according to time cycles
Complex focal seizures Seizure disorder that produces a blank stare, disorientation, repetitive action and memory loss
Convulsions Sudden contraction of muscles that is caused by seizures
COX-2-inhibitor Medication that blocks cyclooxygenase-2
Delusion Irrational thoughts or false beliefs
Depressant Drug that decreases activity in the brain and is used to promote drowsiness and relaxation
Diabetic neuropathy Peripheral nerve disorder caused by diabetes
Disinhibition opposite if inhibited
Dysphoria Feeling of emotional and/or mental discomfort
Endorphins Substances released by the body in response to painful stimuli
Epilepsy Recurrent seizure disorder characterized by a sudden, excessive, disorderly discharge of cerebral neurons
Euphoria State of intense happiness or well-being
Extrapyramidal symptoms Excessive muscle movement associated with the use of neuropletics
Febrile seizure Seizure associated with a sudden spike in body temperature
Generalized seizures Seizures that spread across both cerebral hemispheres
Gingival Hyperplasia Excess growth of gum tissue that may overgrow the teeth
Hallucination Visions or voices that exist only in the mind
Hirsutism Excessive growth of body hair
Hypnotic Drug that induces sleep
Insomnia Condition characterized by difficulty falling asleep and/or staying awake
Melatonin Hormone that is released by the pineal gland that makes a person feel drowsy
Myoclonic seizure Seizure that is characterized by jerking Muscle movements and is caused by contraction of major muscle groups
Negative symptoms Sign of schizophrenia associated with decreased ability to think, plan, or express emotion
Neuropletic Medication used to treat schizophrenia or other psychosis
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome Potentially fatal reaction to administration of neuropletics
Neuropathic pain Pain associated with nerve injury
Nociceptors Thin nerve fibers that care pain signals
Non-REM sleep Stage 1 through stage 4 of sleep cycle
Opiate Naive No current exposure to opioids
Opioid Synthetically derived analgesic having properties similar to morphine
Petit mal seizure Absence seizure in which the person experiences a brief period of unconsiousness and stares vacantly into space
Plasticity Ability of the brain to restructure and adapt to injury
Positive symptoms Hallucinations, delusions, or other unusual thoughts or perceptions that are symptoms of schizophrenia
Postural hypotension Drop in blood pressure due to a change in posture
Psychosis Mental state characterized by disorganized behavior and thought, delusions, hallucinations, and a loss of touch with reality.
Rebound hypersomnia Condtion associated with excessive sleep that follows long-term insomnia
REM sleep Rapid eye movement sleep when dreaming occurs
Schizophrenia Type of psychosis characterized by delusions of thought, visual and/or auditory hallucinations and speech disturbances
Sedative Drug that causes relaxation and promotes drowsiness
Seizure threshold Term that refers to a person's susceptibility to seizures
Shingles Reoccurring and painful skin rash caused by the herpes zoster virus
Simple focal seizures Seizure that affects only one part of the brain and causes the person to experience unusual sensations or feelings
Status epilepticus Medical emergency brought on by repeated genralized seizures that can deprive the brain of oxygen
Stimulant Drug that increases activity in the brain and is used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy
Substance P Peptide that is involved in the production of pain sensations and controls pain perception
Sympathomimetic Drug whose effects mimic the effects produced by stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system
Tardive Dyskinesia Inappropriate postures of the neck, trunk, and limbs accompanied by involuntary thrusting of the tongue
Tonic-clonic seizures Generalized seizure that causes stffening of the limbs, difficulty breathing, and jerking movements and is followed by limbs that become limp and disorientation
Trigeminal neuralgia Painful condition that produces intense, stabbing pain in areas of the face
Created by: 1662466248
Popular Pharmacology sets




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