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Scientific Founda.

Spec. Competencies: Chapter 3

The MacArthur Study found what? 2001; found that discharged patients with major mental illnesses were more likely to engage in violence compared to a community sample ONLY if they also had a substance abuse problem
Talk about the term psychopathy in depth description of antisocial personality disorder Cleckley (1941) first described Hare made Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (1991) to measure Hart et al. comes up with PCL-SV (screening version) PCL is best predictor of future violence
Acutarial Approaches vs. Structured Professional Judgment some controversy over which is better Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG) currently both are = acceptable (good because few measurements work across populations)
Dangerousness replaced with _______________ Violence Risk Assessment To assess violence risk must know: base rates, deficiencies in an instrument being used, applicability
Eyewitness ID complications include: Yerkes-Dodson law: stress and accuracy impact recall in this type of curve accuracy increases within race weapon focus- means individuals accuracy decreases when weapon is present
Provide guidelines with lineups and photospreads - conductor not aware of suspect - tell eyewitnesses that person may not be in lineup - suspect shouldn't stand out - statement on confidence prior to lineup
False confessions occur what % of the time 15-20% (esp. with respect to the characteristics of the suspect and situational factors)
Factors that increase false confessions - adolescents and developmentally disabled individuals have higher likelihood of false confession - physical custody - isolation - false evidence -minimalizing/ implied promises
List the 3 parts in the Taxonomy of False Confessions a. voluntary- usually to protect someone else b. coerced-compliant- confessess under stress/duress regardless of belief he/she is innocent c. coerced- internalized- comes to believe in guilt regardless of initial belief of innocent
Created by: suesgotit
Popular Psychology sets




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