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Definition of F.P.

Spec. Competencies: Chapter 1

What is the definition of Forensic Psychology per APA 2007 pt.1 The professional practice by psychologists within the areas of clinical psychology, counseling psychology, school psychology, or another specialty recognized by the APA, when they are engaged as experts and represent themselves as such...
What is the definition of Forensic Psychology per APA 2007 pt.2 in an activity primarily intended to provide professional psychological expertise to the judicial system.
What does it mean to be an applied specialty? "apply" psychology to the law by -taking psychology to fact finder -how the law is practiced
What is the difference between legal and applied psychology? "We" apply clinical knowledge to the law (vs. social or experimental psychological knowledge)
One of the main differences between a clinical psychologist providing expert testimony and a forensic psychologist is...? Prior knowledge of testimony!
What is the difference between a correctional and a forensic psychologist? judicial vs. legal system
APA acknowledges forensic psychology in what year? 2001
The earliest work of this psychologist form the roots of forensic psychology. Wilhelm Wundt His student Von Schrent-Notzing is labeled one of the first "F.P."
What book did Munsterberg write? What year? In 1908 he wrote "On The Witness Stand"- no citations included!
Munsterberg's work led to whose important work and subsequent supreme court case? William Marston- work led to the polygraph which led to the court case of Frye vs. US in 1923
Who are the psychologists who developed tests for F.P.s? Binet, Simon and Terman- basically IQ for delinquency
What years and events are important to F.P. in Chicago? Cook County- 1899 first juvenile detention center 1909- first clinic "Juvenile Psychopathic Institute"
Who is the first psychologist to fit the modern day definition of a F.P.? Grace Fernald (who worked with neurologist William Healy in Cook County to develop juvenile clinic)
The American Association of Correctional Psychologists was established in? 1954
In 1969 which professional organization of F.P.s was established? The Ap-LS with 13 founding members
Why are Jay Ziskin and Erik Dreikurs important? Ziskin- bridged interests (law-psych) BUT then wrote Coping with Psychiatric and Psychological Testimony in 1970 and alienated community. Dreikurs- promote practice
Florence Kaslow is known for _______ in what year? 1978 she worked on credentialing with a 1,000 member committee. Consisted of exams and forming the AAFP
In 1980 APA forms what? Division 41- for Psychology and Law (in 1983 APLS merges with it)
The Specialty Guidelines for Forensic Psychologists were written in _____ 1991
The 3 contributions of the Specialty Guidelines are? a. work to describe weaknesses of the field b. create a conceptual building block approach to forensic mental health assessment (Melton) c. create instruments of forensic assessment
The two instruments developed by the NIMH were? Competency Assessment Instrument Competency Screening Test
The most important "other" (than the NIMH) tools are in the 1970's- the Perspectives in Law and Psychology book in the 1980's- general textbooks such as: Grisso's Evaluating Competencies and Melton's Psychological Evaluation for the Courts
What knowledge is required across the domaine of clinical work and/or is unique to F.P.s? must be able to find/read/analyze law translate laws into psychology understand the legal system knowledge of principles and specific assessment methods clinical knowledge of special populations how data leads to legal evidence and how limited ethic
Created by: suesgotit
Popular Psychology sets




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