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Terminology-Week 2


Adjunct Medication used to compliment the effects of another drug
Antiemetic A drug that reduces or stops vomiting
Antihypertensive Agent that decreases blood pressure
Anxiety Condition associated with tension, apprehension, fear, or panic
Anxiolytic Medication used to treat anxiety
Attention deficit/Hyperactivity disorder Brain disorder that affects the ability to focus one's attention
Ayurveda Holistic traditional medical system where the prevention of disease is empasized
Bipolar Disorder Illness associated with sudden swings in mood between depression and periods of insomnia, racing thoughts, distractibility, and increased goal-directed behavior
Blood Brain Barrier Barrior that exists in the brain as a result of special permeability characteristic of the capillaries that supply brain cells; these capillaries prevent certain soulutes or chemicals from being tranferred from the blood to the brain.
Chiropractic Manual manipulation of the joints and muscles
Cognition Activities associated with thinking, learning, and memory
Depression Mental state characterized by sadness, feelings of loss and grief, and loss of appetite; may include suicidal thoughts
Diagnosis Physician's recognition of a condition or disease
Drug Dependence Continuing to take the drug in order to avoid the onset of physical and/or psychological withdrawal symptoms
Electroconvulsive Therapy Electrical current administred to an anesthetized patient, causing, a braif seizure
Enuresis Bedwetting or uncontrollable urination during sleep
Extrapyramidal Symptoms Excessive muscle movement associated with the use of neuroleptics
Generalized Anxiety Disorder Condition associated with excessive worrying and tension that is experienced daily for more than 6 months
Herbal Any plant substance used for health purposes
Homeopathy System of therapy based on the brief that dilutions of medicinal substances that cause a specific symptom can be used to treat an illness
Insomnia Condition characterized by difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep
Major Deperession Illness associated with persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness that persists.
Mania Mood state characterized by excessive excitement, elevated mood, and exalted feelings
Monoamine Oxidase Enzyme found in nerve terminals, neurons, liver and intestines that inactivate specific neurotransmitters and dietary amines
Mood Disorder Affective disorder involving a change in emotional behavior
Neurosis Mental disorder arising from stress or anxiety in the patient's environment without loss of contact with reality
Neurotransmitters Chemicals that are transmitted from one neuron to another as electrical nerve impulses
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Condition associated with an inability to or control or stop repeated unwanted thoughts or behaviors
Panic Disorder Condition associated with repeated sudden onset of feelings of terror
Phobia Irrational fear of things or situations that produce symptoms of intense anxiety
Placebo Inert compound believed by the patient to be an active agent
Post-traumatic stress disorder Disorder that develops in persons who have participated in, witnessed, or been a victim of a terrifying event
Prophylaxis To prevent disease
Psychosis Mental state characterized by disorganized behavior and thought, delusions, hallucinations, and a loss of touch with reality
Psychotherapy Therapy that includee helping the patient work through personal problems that affect emotions and behaviors
Schizophrenia Type of psychosis characterized by delusions of thought, visual and/or auditory hallucinations and speech disturbances
Serotonin Syndrome Life threatening adverse drug reaction caused by excessive serotonin that produces symptoms of confusion, agitation, diarrhea, tumors, increased blood pressure and seizures
Synthetic Medicine Medication made in a laboratory from chemical processes
Tardive Dyskinesia Inappropriate postures of the neck, trunk and limbs accompanied by involuntary thrusting of the tongue
Tolerance Condition occuring when increased doses of a drug are required in order to achieve the same effects as were achieved at lower doses
Created by: 1662466248
Popular Pharmacology sets




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