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SOC 100- Unit 4

lowest 20% of world- wealth -1%
top 20% of world- wealth 90%
relative poverty the deprivation of some people in relation to those with more
absolute poverty a deprivation of resources that is life-threatening or inability to afford food, clothing, shelter, health
in the world's poorest nations, ___ or kids die before ___ 1/3, 15
life chances life expectancy, infant mortality, health, education, literacy, gaps in development
how often does someone die of starvation? every 2 seconds
starvation deaths per year 15 million
cultural patterns & poverty birth control in India; the significance of a child
correlated of 3rd world poverty (6) inadequate technology, population, culture, social stratification, gender inequality, global power relationships
Modernization Theory (functionalist) the poor countries are not doing things that increase their life chances
Dependency Theory (conflict) industrialized nations are keeping the poor countries poor
climate change and poverty changes in weather->less food->poverty->unrest/terrorism
e-waste largest growing source of waste (Hong-Kong)
prejudice (how you feel)
discrimination (what you do)
categories of minorities limited by the socioeconomic system, based on deviant behavior patterns, based on physical/mental status
sexist or racist? no- 71%
pluralism (cultural mosaic) A+B+C=A+B+C *values everyone
assimilation A+B+C=A *you have to behave the way we do
melting pot A+B+C=D *best of every group molded together
segregation A+B+C=A/B/C
genocide/deportation A+B+C=A (B&C gone)
institutional discrimination unintended discrimination that is built into the normal operation of society
highest median income minority chinese
most educated minority korean
native americans lowest median income, highest poverty, least education
the poverty rate for people over the age of 65 is lower than the national average (used to be higher, but medicare helped considerably)
myths about the elderly not always sick, not dangerous drivers (more than adults though), not insufficient employees, politically active, able to change
age group least likely to vote 18-21
disengagement theory the idea that society enhances its orderly operation by disengaging people from its positions of responsibility as they reach old age
activity theory (interactionist) the idea that a high level of activity enhances personal satisfaction in old age
conflict perspective on aging aging is problematic in contemporary capitalistic societies; power tends to diminish unless they are able to maintain wealth
what age range is best? 60+: retirement 18-29; 45-59: 20s 30-44: 30s
social institution everything it takes to meet the major needs of society
how many people are in the tertiary sector? 72-75%
does organization=institution? no!
examples of economic institution values- free enterprise norms- maximize profits statuses/roles- accountant groups: unions
social institution a set of organized beliefs and rules that establishes how a society will attempt to meet its basic social needs
economic institution production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services
primary sector the extraction of raw materials & natural resources from the environment
secondary sector the processing of raw materials into finished goods
tertiary sector the provision of services rather than goods
in 1900, most jobs were in the _____ primary sector
in 1955, most jobs were in the _____ secondary sector
capitalism an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are privately owned (individualism)
socialism an economic system in which natural resources and the means of producing goods and services are collectively owned (collectivism)
comparison of socialism and capitalism capitalism=higher standard of living; greater disparity
corporations tremendous power, larger GNP than many countries
____% of new jobs don't require higher degrees 65
primary labor market high-paying jobs with good benefits that have some degree of security and the possibility of advancement
secondary labor market low-paying jobs with fee benefits and very little security or advancement opportunity
functionalist and economy the economy is a vital institution because it is the means by which needed goods and services are produced and distributed
conflict theorists and economy business cycles are the result of capitalist self-interest
global economy in the future workers may fight for "a piece of the economic pie"; corporations will get larger; chasm between rich and poor nations will widen; could steer towards war (it's our responsibility)
our class thinks that politically most students are liberal
our class is (politically) 36% liberal, 28% conservative
women are more (politically) liberal
politics between 1970 and 2010 more conservatives now
welfare state a range of government agencies and programs that provides benefits to the population
how many credits do we have? 58%: 12-15 credits
does our class work? 47% no; 25%: 10-19 hrs/week
institution of education responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge, skills, and cultural values
functionalist (education) teach the culture
functionalist (conflict) teach the culture AND CRITICAL THINKING
applying theory (symbolic interactionist) how teachers define their students dictates how well they perform
5 functions of schooling socialization, cultural innovation, social integration, social placement, latent functions
millenial generation 1/4 of all voters; liberal; less individualistic; optimistic
conflict (education) public schools maintain social inequality
cultural capital and class reproduction (conflict) middle and upper income parents have more cultural capital
tracking and social inequality (conflict) assigning students to specific courses; higher expectations=higher performances
hidden curriculum (conflict) upper and middle classes taught decision making and responsibility; lower classes taught to obey; females discouraged to take math and science
"draw my tree" poor kid= a dot (high apartment in NYC)
life objectives- UCLA 1968 to 2010 development philosophy of life-> be well off financially
life objectives- our class be well off financially and help others
grade inflation 4.2% A's to 48% A's
health and society (4) culture defines health; health standards change; technology effects health; inequality affects health
traditional health absence of disease
modern health a state of physical, mental, and social well-being
traditional medicine identifies and cures illness
modern medicine social institution that identifies and cures illness and promotes health
how often do we exercise? 68% 1-5x per week
new to 10 ten death causes (6) by 2020 depression, chronic pulmonary disease, war injuries, diarrheal infection, HIV/AIDS
do we eat/cell while driving? 83% yes
we no longer die of communicable disease, we die of ___ diseases of lifestyle
smoking deaths... exceed alcohol, homocide, suicide, automobile, aids, cocaine, and heroine combined
___ in 4 healthcare dollars are spent on smoking 1
good nutrition/exercise= +___ life expectancy 7
cure for all cancers= +___ life expectancy 2
odd way to live longer? laugh at yourself :-)
tenets of holistic medicine (4) you are responsible for the state of your own health; mind and body are an interdependent unit; illness provides an opportunity to learn more about yourself; a physician is only a guide
paying for healthcare (3) private insurance, public insurance, health maintenance organizations
largest healthcare costs per person (country) US
overall healthcare performance (country) France (US=37th)
to be cured: ____ to stay healthy: ____ come to US; don't come to US
most of the uninsured are middle/working class (not unemployed minorities)
medicalization the process whereby non-medical problems become defined and treated as illnesses or disorders
top 3 well-being states: Hawaii; Colorado; Minnesota
Americans are sicker than the ____ English (with control factors of smoking, obesity, race, class)
Louis Pasteur said... "health depends much less on bacteria than the social environment in which the bacteria are found."
*It's the ___ that counts perspective
*cultural ____ over location relativity
*the limited ____ of people rationality
*the_____ ______ of personality cultural patterning
*the endlessness of cultural ____ change
*people's propensity to live by ____ myth
*____ skills marketable
*social sciences are seen as a _____ threat
Created by: melaniebeale
Popular Psychology sets




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