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RS 101 Med Terms

Excision process of cutting out, surgical removal
Gastris dealing with stomach and intestines
Abduct lead away from middle
Adduct lead toward the middle
Ambulatory being able to walk, not confined to bed
Autonomy chronic diagnosis being self-governed, to function independently
Epidemic among the people, widespread occurrence of an infectious disease by pathological organisms
Etiology study of the cause of disease
Febrile pertaining to a fever above 98.6
Malaise general feeling of uneasiness or discomfort; felt by a patient with a chronic disease
Malignant “formation of a bad kind”; growing worse, harmful, cancerous
Necrosis abnormal condition of tissue death
Prognosis “state of forknowledge”, prediction of course of disease and the recovery rate
Bronchiectasis chronic dilation of bronchus with a secondary infection in lower portion of lungs
Infection pathogenic microorganism invades the body, reproduces, multiples, causes disease
Bursitis inflammation of bursa (padlike sac between ,muscles, tendons, and bones)
Osteomalacia softening of the bones
Carcinoma malignant tumor arising in epithelial tissue
Hyperplasia excessive formation and growth of normal cells
Hemoptysis spitting up blood
Hypertrophy excessive nourishment
Biopsy surgical removal or a small piece of tissue for microscopic examination
Asymmetrical unequal in size or shape
Palpate use the hands or fingers to examine by touch; to feel
Cephalad pertaining to the head
Pericardial pertaining to pericardium (fibrous sac surrounding the heart)
Epigastric pertaining to region above the stomach
Bifurcate having two forks or two branches or two divisions
Hypoplasia underdevelopment of a tissue, organ, or body
Latent lying hidden; quiet, not active; ex: tuberculosis
Polydactyly having more than the normal number of fingers or toes
Dyspnea difficult or painful monthly flow
Midsagittal vertically divides the body as it passes through the midline to form left and right sides
Transverse divides body into superior and inferior positions
Coronal divides body into anterior and posterior portions
Caudal pertaining to tail; inferior in position
Superior above, in an upward direction, toward the head
Inferior below or in a downward direction; more toward feet or tail
Anterior (ventral) front side of body
Posterior (dorsal) back side of body
Cephalic pertaining to head; superior in position
Proximal nearest the point of attachment or near the beginning of a structure
Medial nearest to midline or middle
Lateral to the side, away from middle
Distal away from the point of attachment or far from the beginning of a structure
Autograft graft taken from one part of the patient’s body and transferred to another part of that same patient
Avulsion - forcibly tearing off a part or structure of the body, such as a finger or toe
Erythema redness of skin; caused by capillary congestion, inflammation, heat, sunlight, or cold temperature
Jaundice excessive bile in the blood; the skin, whites of eyes, and mucous membranes are yellow
Circumduction moving a body part in circular motion
Flexion bending a limb
Extension straightening a flexed limb
Dorsiflexion bending a body part backwards
Pronation lying prone (facedown), turning palm downward
Supination lying supine (face upward) turning palm or foot upward
Eversion turning outward
Inversion turning inward
Dislocation displacement of a bone from a joint
hallux big toe
Laminectomy surgical excision of a vertebral posterior arch
Osteoarthritis inflammation of bone and joint; affects 55 year olds and more likely women
Arthrography examination of a joint (usually in knee) in which air and then a radiopaque medium are injected into the joint space; internal injuries of meniscus, cartilage, and ligaments present by x-ray
Abductor muscle that on contraction draws away from the middle
Adductor muscle that draws a part toward the middle
Atrophy “lack of nourishment”, wasting of muscular tissue that may be caused by lack of use of lack or nerve stimulation of the muscle
Fatigue state of tiredness occurring in a muscle as a result of repeated contractions
Anatomic body erect, head facing forward, arms by the sides with palms to the front; standard anatomical position of reference
Dorsal Recumbent on back with lower extremities flexed and rated outward; used in application of obstetric forceps, vaginal and rectal examination, and bimanual palpation
Fowler's head of the bed or examining table is raised about 18 inches or 46 cm; patient sitting up with knees also elevated
Prone lying face downward; used in examination of the back, injections and massage
Sims lying on left side, right knee and thigh flexed well up above left leg that is slightly flexed, left arm behind the body, and right arm forward, flexed at elbow; used in rectum examination and intrauterine irrigation after labor
Supine lying flat on back with face upward and arms at the sides; used in examining head, neck, chest, abdomen, extremities in assessing vital signs
Trendelenburg body supine on bed that is titled at 45 degrees with head lower than feet; used to displace abdominal organs during surgery and in treating cardiovascular shock, also called shock position
Absorption nutrient material is transferred from gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream or lymph
Appendectomy surgical excision of the appendix
Appendicitis inflammation of the appendix
Cholecystectomy surgical excision of the gallbladder. Removed through small incision near the navel
Dysphagia difficulty in swallowing
Gastroenterology surgical excision of a part of or the whole stomach
Hepatitis inflammation of the liver
Pancreatitis inflammation of the pancreas
Splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
Colonoscopy examination of colon via colonoscope; used to diagnose growths to confirm findings of other testes and to rule out/ in colon cancer. Used to removed small polyps to collect tissue samples; patient is slightly sedated
Aneurysm abnormal widening or ballooning of a portion of an artery sue to weakness in the wall of the blood vessel
Atherosclerosis pathological condition of there arteries characterized by the buildup of fatty substances and hardening of the walls
AED Automated External Defibrillator
Embolism pathological condition caused by obstruction of a blood vessel by foreign substances or a blood clot
CHF congestive heart failure
Myocardial infarction when a focal area of heart muscle dies or is permanently damaged because of an inadequate supply of oxygen to that area, AKA heart attack
Anaphylaxis unusual or exaggerated allergic reaction to foreign proteins or other substances
Embolus blood clot carried in the bloodstream
Extravasation process by which fluids and medications escape from the blood vessel into surrounding tissue
Hematoma collection of blood that has escaped from a blood vessel into the surrounding tissue; results from trauma
Cystitis inflammation of the bladder
Excretory excretory
Hematuria presence of red blood cells in the urine
Adenosis any disease condition of a gland
Exocrine pertains to a type of gland that secretes into ducts
Analgesia condition in which there is a lack of the sensation of pain
Aphagia loss or lack of ability to eat or swallow
Encephalitis inflammation of the brain
Meningitis tumor of the meninges that originates in the arachnoidal tissue
Amblyopia dullness of vision; AKA lazy eye
Diplopia double vision
Photophobia unusual intolerance to light
Scleritis inflammation of sclera
Dysmenorrhea difficult or painful monthly flow
Oogenesis formation of the ovum
Papillomavirus a form of treatment to relieve or alleviate symptoms without curing
Chondrosarcoma cancerous tumor derived from cartilage cells
Leukemia cancer of the blood characterized by overproduction of leukocytes; cancer of the blood-froming tissues
Lymphoma cancerous tumor of lymphoid tissue
Sarcoma cancerous tumor arising in connective tissue
Myeloma tumor arising in the hemopoietic portion of the bone marrow
Teletherapy radiation therapy in which the radioactive substance is at a distance from the body area being treated
Radiolucent pertaining to property of permitting the passage of radiant energy
Radiopaque pertaining to property of obstructing the passage of radiant energy
AP anterior to posterior
PA posterior to anterior
Supine laying on back
Prone laying on stomach
PET Positron Emission Tomography
Barium Sulfate used as a contrast medium in x-ray examination of the digestive tract
Cholangiogram x-ray record of the bile ducts made visible through the use of a radiopaque contrast medium
Anthrography examination of a joint after injection of radiopaque contrast medium
Myelogram x-ray record of the spinal cord made visible with a radiopaque contrast medium
Tomography process of cutting across and producing images of single tissue planes that help place into focus a very particular object within a larger field
Created by: mgalla33
Popular Radiology sets




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