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AP Lang

allegory a narrative in which the characters, behavior, and even the setting demonstrate multiple levels of meaning and significance
alliteration the sequential repetition of a similar initial sound, usually applied to consonants, usually in closely proximate stressed symbols
allusion a literary, historical, religious, or mythological reference
anaphora the regular repetition of the same words or phrases at the beginning of successive phrases of clauses
antithesis the juxtaposition of sharply contrasting ideas in balanced or parallel words, phrases, grammatical structure or ideas
aphorism a concise statement designed to make a point or illustrate a commonly held belief
apostrophe an address or invocation to something inanimate
assonance the repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds, usually in successive or proximate words
asyndeton the syntactical structure in which conjunctions are omitted in a series, usually producing more rapid prose
attitude the sense expressed by the tone of voice or mood of a piece of writing; the author's feelings toward his or her subject
chiasmus the order of the terms in the first half of a parallel clause is reversed in the second
claim an assertion of something as fact
colloquial identifying the diction of the common, ordinary folks, especially in a specific region or area
conceit a comparision of two unlikely things that is drawn out within a piece of literature, in particular an extended metaphor within a poem
connotation the implied, suggested or underlying meaning or a word or phrase
consonance the repetition of two or more consonants with a change in the intervening vowels
deductive reasoning the method of argument in which specific statements and conclusions are drawn from general principles: movement from general to specific
didactic writing or speech that has an instructive purpose or lesson
elegy a poem or prose that lements or meditates upon the death of a person or persons
epistrophe the repitition of a phrase at the end of successive sentences
epitaph writing in praise of a dead person, often inscribed on a tombstone
eulogy a speech or written passage in praise of a person; an oration in honor of a deceased person
euphemism an indirect, kinder, or less harsh or hurtful way of expressing unpleasant information
homily a sermon, but more contemporary uses include any serious talk, speech or lecture involving moral or spiritual life
hyperbole overstatement characterized by exaggerated language, usually to make a point or draw attention
imagery broadly defined, any sensory detail or evocation in a work; narrowly, hte use of figurative lanugage to evoke a feeling, to call to mind an idea, or to describe an object
inductive reasoning the method of reasoning or argument in which general statements and conclusions are drawn from specific principles: movement from specific to general
irony the contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant
isocolon parallel structure in which the parallel elements are similar not only in grammatical structure but also in length
juxtaposition the location of one thing adjacent to or juxtaposed with another to create an effect, reveal an attitude, or accomplish some other purpose
litote a figure of speech that emphasizes its subject by understatement; for instance, the understated "not bad" as a comment about something especially well done
loose sentence (cumulative sentence) a long sentence that starts with its main clause, which is followed by several dependent clauses and modifying phrases
metaphor one thing pictured as if it were something else
metonymy a figure of speech in which an attribute or commonly associated feature is used to designate something
mood a feeling resulting from the tone of the piece
narrative a mode of discourse that tells a story of some sort
onomatopoeia a word capturing or approximating the sound of what it describes
oxymoron a figure of speech that combines two apparently contradictory elements
paradox a statement that seems contradictory but is probably true
parallel structure the use of similar forms in writing for nouns, verbs, phrases or thoughts
pathos stimulates pity or sorrow
periodic sentence a long sentence in which the main clause is not completed until the end
personification treating an abstraction or nonhuman object as if it were a person by endowing it with human features or qualities
prose the ordinary form of written language without metrical structure, in contrast to verse and poetry
rebuttal/refutation an argument technique wherein opposing arguments are anticipated and countered
rhetoric the art of using words to persuade in writing or speaking
rhetorical question a question that is asked simply for the sake of stylistic effect and is not expected to be answered
sarcasm a form of verbal irony in which apparent praise is actually critical
satire a literary work that holds up human failings to ridicule and censure
simile a direct, explicit comparison of one thing to another, usually using the words like or as
style the manner in which a writer combines and arranges words, shapes ideas, and utilizes syntax and structure
synecdoche a figure of speech in which a part signifies the whole
syntax the way words are put together to form phrases, clauses, and sentences
tone the attitude the narrator or writer takes toward a subject and theme
zeugma a grammatical structure in which a word, usually a verb or adjective, is applied to two or more nouns without being repeated; often used to comic effect
analogy illustration of an idea by means of a more familiar idea that is similar or parallel to it in some significant features
antimetabole repetition of words, in successive clauses, in reverse grammatical order
epizeuxis repetition of the same word or words in immediate succession, usually with great vehemence or emotion
inversion the reversal of the normally expected order of words
parody a mocking imitation of the style of a literary work or works, ridiculing the stylistic habits of an author or genre by exaggerated mimicry
symploce combining anaphora and epistrophe, so that one word or phrase is repeated at the beginning and another word or phrase is repeated at the end of successive phrases, clauses, or sentences
Created by: bruski
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