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Resp 2.5 III

Suctioning Powerpoints

Purpose of suctioning Maintain a patent airway by removing secretions, blood, or foreign material
When is suctioning performed only when needed, visible secretions or audible gurgling, sudden increase in RR
Retention of secretions can cause increased WOB, atelectasis, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, pulmonary infection, increased airway resistance
What happens when you cough large inspiration, glottis closed, diaphragm moves up, pressure builds up in thorax, glottis opens, secretions move out
Indications for suctioning prolonged coughing, patientes request, patients with artificial airways
Patients that require suctioning Nervous system depression (intoxicated, sedated), abnormal pulmonary mechanics, thick secretions, pain, post surgical
Upper airway suction device oroharynx; clean (not sterile) yaunker, flexible plastic or rubber catheter
Lower airway suction device trachea and bronchi; open airway (remove pt from O2), closed airway (pt remains connected to O2)
Pressure save zone for adult 120-150 mmHg
Pressure save zone for child 100-120 mmHg
Pressure save zone for infant 80-100 mmHg
Formula to find right size catheter (ID of ET tube X 3 (factor))/ 2
When do you instill lavage Only after you are completely compared to begin insertion and suction
What to monitor during suction BS, O2 sat, RR, PR, BP, ABG, cough effor and ICP (internal cranial pressure)
Complications of suctioning Hypoxia,vagal stimulation, trauma, dysrhythmias, hemoptysis, atelectasis, bronchospasm,
What does high peep pressure help with helps with decrease FRC, it causes large drop in oxygenation,
Contraindications for suctioning epiglotitis because the glottis protects trachea, and Croup
Indication for closed suction catheter use PEEP greater than 10 cmH20, MAP greater than 20, I time greater than 1.5, FiO2 greater than 60, pt with TB, pt receiving inhaled agents that can't be interuppted by disconnect for suctioning
Suctioning in the home make sure it is clean as possible, Catheter can be used up to 24 hours, equipment washed in vinegar 9:1, and boil if permitted.
Created by: TnJFarrington12
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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