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Emotions psychological, behavioral, physiological episodes experienced toward an object, person, or event; creates a state of readiness
Involuntary reactions occur without our awareness
Attitudes beliefs, assessed feelings, and behavioral intentions toward a person, object or event
Beliefs your established perceptions about the attitude object
Feelings your pos/neg evaluations of the attitude object
Behavioral intentions motivation to engage in particular behavior with respect to attitude object
Role of emotions shaping our attitudes ??? FIX ME ???
Cognitive dissonance anxiety when one's beliefs, feelings, and behaviors are inconsistent with one another
Emotional labor the effort, planning, and control needed to express organizationally desired emotions
Emotional intelligence (EI) ability to monitor own and others feelings and emotions to discriminate between them and use to guide thinking and actions
Improving Emotional Intelligence aptitudes/skills that can be learned, especially through coaching, increases with age maturity
Relationship Management managing other people's emotions
Social Awareness understanding and sensitivity to the feelings, thoughts, and situations of others
Self-Management controlling or redirecting our internal states, impulses, and resources
Self-Awareness understanding your own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, values, and motives
Job Satisfaction positive feeling about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics
Value-percept theory - Pay<br> - Promotion<br> - Supervision<br> - Coworkers<br> - Work Itself
Job Dissatisfaction Responses EVLN<br> - Exit<br> - Voice<br> - Loyalty<br> - Neglect
Exit Leave the situation, quitting, transferring
Voice Changing the situation, problem solving, complaining
Loyalty Patiently waiting for the situation to improve
Neglect Reducing work effort/quality, increasing absenteeism
Resilience capability to cope successfully in the face of significant change, adversity, or risk
Factors that determine job satisfaction preferences person's self concept; personal and cultural values as well as personality
Organizational (Affective) commitment emotional attachment to identification with and involvement in an organization
Continuance commitment belief that staying with the organization is better because leaving would be costly
Build organizational commitment: Justice and support support employee wellbeing
Build organizational commitment: Shared values values congruence (org's values agree with personal values)
Build organizational commitment: Trust employees trust org leaders, job security
Build organizational commitment: Organizational comprehension know firm's past/present/future; open and rapid communication
Build organizational commitment: Employee involvement employees feel part of company, involvement demonstrates trust
Created by: thecrew
Popular Management sets




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