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#je$$stack115 term2

#1jess pharm 115 term week 2

ampule small glass container that holds a single dose of medication
anion negatively-charged particle
bicarbonate substance used as a buffer to maintain the normal levels of acidity in blood and other body fluids
cation positively charged electrolyte
chloride major anion found in the fluid outside of cells and in blood
continuous infusion introduction of a substance such as IV fluids or interstitial fluids over a period of time without interruption
crystalloids intravenous solutions that contain electrolytes in concentrations resembling those of plasma
dehydration term used to describe the condition that results from excessive loss of body water
diluent substance used to dilute a solution or "reconstitute" a dry powder
edema presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid in the intercellular tissue spaces of the body
electrolytes small, charged molecules essential for homeostasis that play an important role in body chemistry
extracellular fluid type of fluid that surrounds the cells and consists mainly of the plasma found in blood vessels
flow rate speed at which IV medications are infused
homeostasis balance that is maintained by the body despite constant changes
hyperchloremia condition in which the serum chloride level is higher than 107 mEq/L
hypernatremia elevation of the serum sodium concentration higher than 145 mEq/L
hyperkalemia condition in which serum potassium level is above 5.5 mEq/L
hypertonic fluids with higher osmolarity than serum
hypocalcemia condition in which the serum calcium level drops below 4.5 mEq/L
hypochloremia condition in which the serum chloride level is lower than 97 mEq/L
hypokalemia condition in which potassium is lost resulting in a serum potassium level below 3.5 mEq/L
hypomagnesemia condition in which the serum level of magnesium is below 1.5 mEq/L
hyponatremia condition of decreased serum sodium concentration less than 136 mEq/L
hypophosphatemia condition in which the serum phosphate level is defined as mild, moderate or severe
hypotonic fluid with less osmolarity than serum
intracellular fluid fluid inside cells
ions charged particles
isotonic fluids fluids close to the same osmolarity as serum
intradermal into or within the dermis of the skin
intramuscular into or within the muscle
intravenous within a vein
macrodrip 10 to 20 drops per milliliter of fluid
magnesium fourth most common cation in the body
microdrip 60 drops per milliliter of fluid
millequivalents units used to measure the number of ionic charges or electrovalent bonds in a solution
osmolarity osmotic pressure of a solution expressed as osmoles or millimoles per liter of the solution
parenteral route of administration that bypasses the GI tract
piggyback special coupling into the primary IV line that allows the addition of supplementary solutions
potassium main electrolyte in extracellular fluid
powder displacement amount of solute that causes displacement in the total volume of medication
reconstitution process of adding fluid to a powdered form of a drug making a specific liquid dosage strength
sodium chief electrolyte in interstitial fluid
solvent a liquid capable of dissolving other substances
solute particles that are suspended or dissolved in a solvent
solution made up of a solvent and solute
subcutaneous beneath the skin
suspension medication in which undissolved particles of medication are dispersed throughout the liquid
vehicle inert substance in which a medication is mixed for administration
vial glass or plastic container with metal-enclosed rubber seal for injectable medications; may hold single or multiple doses
Created by: je$$tech
Popular Pharmacology sets




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