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HLT250 Pharm

Chapters 25-27 Diuretics, Urinary Anti-Infectives, Misc Urinary Drugs

Diuretics are best taken right before bed true or false? False. Diuretics are administered early in the day to prevent any night time sleep disturbance caused by increased urination
Potassium Sperry drugs increased excretion of potassium true or false? False. This is because potassium sparing diuretics depress the excretion of potassium and therefore are called potassium sparing or potassium saving diuretics
Thiazide diuretics can be used for patients with an anuria (Failure of the kidneys to produce urine) True or false? False. This is because thiazides are contraindicated in patients with an anuria
What is the most common adverse reaction of diuretics? Fluid and electrolyte imbalance
Hyperkalemia can be a result of the administration of potassium sparing diuretics. True or false? True. Hyperkalemia means low blood potassium
The most common electrolyte lost with the use of a diuretic is: Potassium
What is the most common structure of the urinary tract that is affected by pathogenic microorganisms? Bladder
Each urinary anti-infective drug works best on certain strands of bacteria true or false? True
When a UTI is diagnosed sensitivity tests are performed to determine bacterial sensitivity to drugs. True or false? True
Anti-infective are used in the treatment of urinary tract infections and have an effect on viruses in the urinary tract. True or false? False. Anti-Infectives are drugs used to treat infections but Anti-infectives do not treat viruses, They treat bacteria in the urinary tract.
What advice would NOT be given to a patient taking miscellaneous urinary drugs? Take the drug only until symptoms clear.
The most common structure affected with a UTI is the bladder true or false? True
What fruit juice has long been recommended for preventing and treating urinary tract infections? Cranberry juice
The most common adverse reactions associated with the anticholinergics are diarrhea and vomiting true or false? False. This is because dry mouth and constipation are the two most common
What are anticholinergics used to treat? Overactive bladder. These drugs counteract smooth muscle spasms of the urinary tract by relaxing the detrusor and other muscles through action of the parasympathetic receptors
Causes of eructation to the lower urinary tract mucosa are infections, trauma, surgery and endoscopic procedures true or false? True
Symptoms of an overactive bladder are: Urinary urgency, urinary frequency and urge continence, which is an accidental loss of urine caused by a sudden and unstoppable need to urinate
What would be recommended for a patient taking anticholinergics that is experiencing the adverse reactions of dry mouth? Suck on hard candy sugarless lozenges or small pieces of ice and brush your teeth regularly
accidental loss of urine caused by a sudden and unstoppable need to urinate Incontinence
What are the side effects of diuretics? Increased excretion, frequent urination
UTIs Urinary tract infections, Infection caused by pathogenic microorganisms of one or more structures of the urinary tract; The bladder is the most commonly affected
Amiodarone (Cordarone Pacerone). -Class II antiarrhythmic drug This drug appears to act directly on the cardiac cell membrane prolonging the refractory period and repolarization and increasing the ventricular fibrillation threshold
What is prescribed for ventricular arrhythmias? Amiodarone
What are the five different types of diuretics? Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor diuretics, osmotic diuretics, potassium-sparing diuretics, and thiazides and related diuretics
Diuretics Drugs that increase the secretion of urine (Water, electrolytes, and waste products ) by the kidneys
When a diuretic is being given for heart failure, what would be most indicative of an effective response to diuretic therapy? Daily weight loss of 2 lbs
Which electrolyte imbalance would most likely develop in a patient receiving a loop or thiazide diuretic? Hypokalemia. Low blood potassium
Which foods should patients include in their daily diet to prevent hypokalemia? Bananas
Diuretics effectively increase the amount of fluid in body tissues true or false? False. This is because diuretics decrease excess fluid in body tissues
Potassium sparing diuretics are typically given to control epileptic seizures true or false? False. This is because carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (acetazolamide) is used for epileptic seizures
A patient taking a diuretic who has leg and foot cramps, hypertension, neuromuscular irritability and hallucinations is likely experiencing ________. Hypomagnesemia
Gout attacks may occur in patients taking ________ diuretics, Thiazide
Define dysuria Burning and pain upon urination
A patient experiencing brown discoloration of urine is likely taking the drug __________. Nitrofurantoin
And anti-infective that is _______ "kills" the bacteria where as an anti-infecte that is _______ "slows"or retards the bacteria Bactericidal (kills) Bacteriostatic (slows)
Cranberries may help cure UTIs. True or false? False. There is no evidence that suggests cranberries can cure urinary tract infections, but they may help to prevent occurrence or relieve symptoms
The most common adverse effect of phenazopyridine is: Urine discoloration, which stains. This is because it is a dye.
Symptoms of urge incontinence include painful urination. True or false? False. This is because the symptoms of urge incontinence include a sudden and unstoppable urge to urinate resulting in accidental loss of urine
Which of the following miscellaneous urinary drugs has no anti-infective activity? Phenazopyridine, It has no anti-infective activity. It is a dye that exerts topical analgesic effects on the urinary tract lining.
Created by: ShannonLowe
Popular Pharmacology sets




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