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MGT Test 1


Conflict resoultion is? The act of resolving a, controversy, disagrement, fight, war, misunderstanding, love spat, etc.
Conflict is the result of? Differing needs, perceptions, assumptions, and/or values.
Name the five types of forms of conflict resoulution? Conquest approach, Avoidance approach, Bargining approach, Bandaide approach, Role Player approach.
Conquest Approach A battle to win, Gain advantage, Attain dominance in the relationship.
The Avoidance Approach Lack the confidence to deal with conflict, believe and hope that conflicts will go away, Assumes that time heal all wounds.
The Bargining Approach Demands and intrests are traded, Needs, values, and personal feelings are compromised away,Spin-off conflicts can often occur.
The Bandaide Approach Moving employees into diffrent shifts, Relocating desk or reassinging to diffrent groups, Failure to adress the underlying problem.
The Role player Approach People act only from their roles, "because I said so",Continued inequality can lead to future damaging conflict.
The Ingredients of Conflict are Diversity and Differences
Needs These are essential to our well being
Perceptions Diffrences of interpretation of reality
Power Use of preceived or real influence
Value Individual beliefs or pricples that are impotant to us
Feelings and emotions These can influence and individual's reaction to conflict
Internal Conflicts Unsure of one's values, feelings, and wants
Dr. weeks survey of words most associated with conflict Fight; Pain; War; Hate; Avoid; Loss; Fear; Bad; Anger; Fear; Wrongdoing; Destruction; etc..
Benefits of successful conflict resoulution Better working relationships, Improved productivity
What four elemants must be meet in order to be a workplace conflict Jobs Interdependent, Anger among one of the parties, Perception of other being a fault, It causes a business problem
What is the most easiest conflict to resolve? An conflict between two people.
Six part of conflict structure are Interdependency, Intrested Parties, Constituent Representation, Negotiator Authority, Critical Urgency, Communication Channels.
Interdependency How much parties need each other, If high cost of resolving is high
Number of Intrested Parties As number increses, more diffucult to resolve
Constituent representation Do parties represent others?
Negotiator Authority Does representative have authority to make concessions on behalf of others.
Communication Channels Same time same place dialogue produces far better.
Name some of the costs of conflicts? Wasted time, Bad decisions, Loss of good employess, Lost work time, Health Costs
Hints to avoid conflicts Discipline not apllied until parties are given a chance, Be senetive to relationship amoung employees, Encourage employees to talk.
The three ways to resolve conflict Power Contest, Right Contest, Interest recognciliation.
Power Contest Diputants physical strength, threats, loud voice to coerce opponents
Right Contest Diputants appeal to a source of authority to determine that their right are more legitimate ex Parents, Boss, Court of Law
Interest recognciliation Disputants work in a collaborative manner to come up with a solution, trust, generosity
Natural Tendencies Fight or Flight
Essential Process of Mediaion Directly between disputents, No wal-away, No Power play, Discussion of the issue to be resolved, Sustain dialuge long enough to find soulution
To resoleve conflict... there mmust be dialogue; dialogue meus be iven time; and dialogue must be facilitated by someone.
Managerial Mediation Steps Identify the Conflict, decide to Mediate, hold Preliminary meetings, plan the context, hold a thee-way meeting,folloe up.
Wrong reasons to mediate To establish innocence or guilt, to punish, to decide right or wrong
Definition of Negotiation Negotiation is the means by which people deal with their diffrences
The five elements common to negotiation situations. Two or more parties; interdependece; common goals; flexibility; decision-making ability.
Five Bargaining Styles Avoiding, Accommodative, Collaborative, Competing, Compromising
Without Interdepedecy... Their is no reson to negotiate, no motivation to reach an aggreement.
Common goals of negotiations Context, Realtionship
Context the substance or specfics in the agreement
Relationship how the parties want to be viewed by each other
BATNA Best Alternative to Negotiation agreement
Four Stages of Negotiation Preperation, Opening Session, Bargaining, Settlement.
RV=Walk away Price True
Batna=Walk away Price False
What is posturing Blow off stem, show degust
Why is saving face important Avoid emmbarrisment, Payback
Ditributive Bargaining Definition common terms Win-lose, fixed Pie
What are the three components of distributive bargaining Parties view each oter as adversary, Objective to maximize personal self interest, expectation of no future relationship
ZOPA Zones of possible agreement
Opening or Intial offers (anchoring) Force you to get closer to that price
What happens at settlement two sides agree upon a deal
Intergrative Bargaining definition A negotiating process in which parties strive to intergrate their intrest as effectively as possible
The difrence between ditributive bargaining and intergative bargaining. Distributive try to maximize self intrest win-lose, while intergrative bargining intergrate both parties intrest win-win
Thompson's Pyramid Model Level 1 Agreement- Exceeds both parties reservation points
Thompson's Pyramid Model Level 2 Superior Agreement- Create additional value for both parties
Thompson's Pyramid Model Level 3 Parteo Optimal-Maximum value for both parties
Successful Intergrative Bargaining requires Willing paticipation; Relationship; Collaborative Atmosphere; Packaging.
The Categoriztion Model of Intergrative Bargaining Identify all issues, classify each issue compatible, exchange, distributive; agree on all compatible issues; trade or exchange issues; use distributive bargaining.
What is Power in a negotiation the ability to induce the other party to settle for less
What is Leverage in a negottiation The power to achieve goals.
BATNA is the most... essential bargaining power; should keep concealed
Creating Persuasive Arguments three keys Passion, Logic, Character
Passion focus on emotions appealing to fairness
Logic Focus on information presenting mathematical estimates
Character Focus on the person citing thier reputation for honesty
Comunication... verbal and nonverbal
Definition of Ethics is the study of morality
Ethical beliefs... Is bases for ones values
Values reflect beliefs... About ends and means of achieving goals
Behavorial rules... are the accepted customs, standards, or models for ethical actions.
Three priciple theories of ethics Ethics of purpose; ethics of priciple; ethics of consequence
Appropriate tatics of negotiation High opening demand
Inappropriate tactis during negotiations lying, bribery, threaten
Trust is.... essential to negotiations
Negotiations... enable cooperative behavior
Five bases of trust Deterrence-based trust; self-intrest trust; Relational trust; Identity-based trust; Institutional-based trust
Deterrance-based truset imposed penalties, contruction contract
Self Intrest trust mutually advnatageous
Relational trust reliability in past performance
Identity based trust similar to relational trust but itensity creates an us culture
Institutional-based trust- imposed by the situation
Created by: tidey4
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