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212 Meds

Generic - acetylcysteine Trade - Mucomyst pg 102 Antiote for acetaminophen toxicity Inhalent Prevention of Radio-contranst induced renal dysfunction.
Generic - Albumin Trade - Buminate Class - Volume Expanders pg 111 pg Fluid Volume Deficit: Shock Hemorrhage Burns Decreased Plasma Proteins Nephrotic Syndrome End Stage Liver Disease Relief or Reduction of associated EDEMA
Generic - amiodarone Trade - Pacerone, Corarone Class - antiarrhythmic pg 136 Ventricular Arrhythmias
Generic - amlodipine Trade - Norvasc Class - antihypertensives (Calcium Channel Blocker) pg 142 Hypertension Angina Pectoris Vasospastic Angina Vasospastic
Generic - aspirin/dipridamole Trade - Aggrenox Class - antiplatet Stroke Ischemia to the brain or ischemic stroke due to thrombosis
Generic - clonazepam Trade - Clonapam Class - anticonvulsant (benzodiazepines) pg 330 Prophylaxis: Seizures Panic Disorders Nueralgias Sedation
Generic - clonidine Trade - Catapres Class - antihypertensives pg 332 Mild to moderate hypertension ADHD Cancer Pain (unresponsive to opioids) Management of opioid withdrawal Neuropathic Pain
Generic - doxazosin Trade - Cardura Class - antihypertensive pg 467 Hypertension Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Generic - dexamethasone Trade - DexPax Class - anti-asthmatics; corticosteroids pg 363 Management of Cerebral Edema Diagnostic Agent in Adrenal Disorders Chronic Diseases: inflammatory allergy autoimmune hematologic neoplastic
Generic - Folic Acid Trade - Vitamin B9 Class - antianemics, vitamins pg 594 Anemias megaloblastic macrocytic Prenatal
Generic - hydralazine Trade - Apresoline Class - Antihypertensive (vasodilator) pg 660 Moderate to Sever Hypertension (w/diuretic) HF (if unresponsive to conventional therapy with digoxin and diuretics)
Generic - isosorbide monoNITRATE Trade - Imdur Class - antianginals (nitrates) pg 735 Acute treatment of Anginal Attacks Prophylatic - Angina Pectoris Chronic HF
Generic - labetalol Trade - Trandate Class - antianginal; antihypertensive (beta blocker) pg 753 Hypertension
Generic - levalbuterol Trade - Xopenex Class - Bronchodilators pg 776 Bronchospasm
Generic - losartin Trade - Cozaar Class - antihypertensive (angiotensin II receptor antagonists) pg 166 Hypertension Diabetic Nephropathy (Type 2 DM + Hypertension) Prevent Strokes in patients with Hypertension
Generic - magnesium sulfate Trade - Class - mineral & electrolyte replacement Hypomagnesemia Adjunctive treatment for bronchodilation in acute to severe asthma
Generic - methylprednisolone Trade - Solu-Medrol Class - antiasthmatic; corticosteroid pg 363 Chronic diseases: Allergy Autoimmune Inflammatory Neoplastic Hematologic Prevention of organ rejection Asthma
Generic - piperacillin/tazobactam Trade - Zosyn Class - anti-infective pg 1030 Class - anti-infective Appendicitis - peritonitis - pneumonia - beta lactamase producing baceria
Generic - potassium acetate Trade - K Rider Class - mineral/electrolyte replacement pg 1037 Treatment/Replacement of Potassium Depletion Arrhythmias due to digoxin toxcity
Generic - Reteplase Trade - Retevase Class - Thrombolytics pg 1212 Acute MI
Generic - thiamine Trade - Vitamin B2 Class - vitamin pg 1210 Prevention of Wernicke's encephalopathy - GI Disease - alcoholism - cirrhosis
Generic - zolpidem Trade - Ambien Class - sedative pg 1316 insomnia
Generic - diltiazem Trade - Cardizem Class - antianginal, antiarrhythmics, antihypertensive (Calcium Channel Blocker) pg 437 Hyptertension, Angina, A Fib
Generic - dobutamine Trade - Dobutrex Class - Inotropics pg 452 SHORT TERM (<48hr) management of HF caused by depressed contractilityfrom organic heart disease or surgical procedure
Generic - dopamine Trade - Intropin Class - inotropics, vasopressors pg 463 hypotension decreased cardiac output decreased urine output (when fluid replacement doesn't work)
Generic - heparin Trade - Heparin Class - anticoagulants pg 644 Pulmunary Emboli, A-Fib,
Generic - nicardipine Trade - Cardene Class - antianginal, antihypertensive (calcium channel blocker) pg 913 Hypertension Angina
Generic - Nitroglycerin Trade - NTG Class - antianginal pg 927 Angina, HF, Acute MI
Generic - nitroprusside Trade - Nitropress Class - antihypertensive pg 931 Hypertensive Crisis Controlled Hypotension (anesthesia) Cardiac Pump Failure Cardiogenic Shock
Generic - norepinephrine Trade - Levophed Class - vasopressors pg 933 May be required after adequate fluid replacement in the treatment of severe hypotension.
Generic - propofol Trade - Diprivan Class - general anesthetic pg 1061 Sedation for intubated or mechanically vented patients.
Generic - baclofen Trade - Lioresal Class - antispasticity, muscle relaxant pg 205 Multiple Sclerosis, Spinal Cord Lesions, Trigeminal Neuralgia
Created by: jennie.moore
Popular Pharmacology sets




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