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CRTV 301 Drexel

Quiz 2

Sociocultural Approach Measuring the impact of customs, beliefs, values, and language
Csikszentmihalyi Developed the theory of flow and linked this state to happiness
Amabile Developed the theory that links creativity to intrinsic motivation
Domain All of the created products, language, symbols, and conventions shared by members of the field.
Systems Perspective The idea that creativity is the result of action between components, e.g., selection of novelty to enter domain, internalizing domain, and creating novelty
Flow A state of concentration or complete absorption with the activity at hand and the situation. It is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. Aka being in the zone, or in the groove.
Componential Model The idea that creativity is the result of a combination of things, e.g., field, domain, and person.
Historiometric/Biographical Measurement of traits through indirect resources such as documents and anecdotal accounts
Simonton Identified career age, ideation rate, and elaboration rate as functions of the creative life cycle; Revived Quetelet's historiometric approach.
Individual versus collaborative creativity Influenced by culture and domain, defines whether creative product is the result of singular or group effort.
Productivity principle Creativity increases as an individual continues to work in a domain until it reaches peak levels; then after time, productivity gradually declines.
Productivity curve p(t) = c(e^-at - e^-bt)
Artificial creators Programs that apply a store of mental operations to produce a creative product
Left Brain/Right Brain Creativity The idea that creativity is housed in a specific area of the brain; brain imaging disproves this theory
Drugs/Alcohol and Creativity Research show a negative connection between these and creativity.
Mental illness and Creativity Research shows that the more serious the condition, the more this limits creativity.
Domain-to-Person The actions or process by which a person internalizes the domain.
Person-to-Field The actions or process by which a person creates novelty
Field-to-Domain The actions or process by which novelty enters a domain.
Intermediaries Component of the audience who are experts in the domain.
Connoisseurs Component of the audience who are well-informed about the domain; a.k.a. serious fans.
Amateurs Component of the audience who know something about the domain and who may enjoy it.
Public Component of the audience who may know little or nothing about the domain.
Assessments of sociocultural creativity KEYS and TCI are two examples that demonstrate reliability and validity.
Created by: Sarah1948
Popular Psychology sets




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