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SPCM Unit 1

civility care and concern for others, thoughtful language, flexibility to see other sides of an issue
public dialogue the ethical and civil exchange of ideas and opinions among communities about topics that affect the public
ethical public speaker one who considers the moral impact of their ideas and arguments on others when one enters a public dialogue
intrapersonal communication communication with oneself
interpersonal communication communication with other people
group communication communication among members of a team
mass communication communication directed at large audiences
public communication communication in which someone gives a speech to many people
audience centered consideration of the positions, beliefs, values, and needs of an audience
speaker one who stimulated public dialogue by delivering an oral message
message the information conveyed by the speaker to the audience
encoding translating ideas into words
decoding translating words into ideas
audience the complex and varied group of people the speaker addresses
channel the means by which the message is conveyed
noise anything (internal or external) that interferes with understanding the message being communicated
feedback the verbal and nonverbal signals the audience gives the speaker
context the environment or situation in which a speech occurs
communication apprehension the level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person
trait anxiety apprehension about communicating with others in any situation
in situ anxiety apprehension about communication with others in specific situations
overcoming nervousness (5) systematic desensitization, cognitive restructuring (visualization/affirmations), realistic expectations, do your research, connect with audience
hearing vibration of sound waves on our eardrums and the impulses that are then sent to the brain
listening giving thoughtful attention to another person's words and understanding what you hear
interference anything that stops of hinders a listener from receiving a message
listenable speech considerate and delivered in an oral style
considerate speeches speech that eases the audience's burden of processing information
jargon language that is too technical
slang informal nonstandard vocabulary
colloquialism local or regional informal dialect or expression
euphemism an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant
gender-inclusive language recognizes that both men and women are active participants in the world
culturally inclusive language respectfully recognizes the differences among the many cultures in our society
spotlighting highlighting a person's race or ethnicity (when not necessary)
verbal clutter extra words in a sentence that don't add meaning
careful listener overcomes listener interference to better understand a speaker's message
critical listeners listen for the accuracy of a speech's content and the implications of a speaker's message
ethical listeners considers the moral impact of a speaker's message on oneself and one's community
speech topic the subject of your speech
brainstorming the process of generating ideas randomly and uncritically, without attention to logic, connections, or relevance
general purpose (6) to inform, invite, persuade, introduce, commemorate, accept
specific purpose a focused statement that identifies exactly what a speaker wants to accomplish
behavioral objectives the actions you want your audience to take at the end of your speech
thesis summarizes the main ideas, assumptions, or arguments
Communication Model speaker ==>(message) ==>(channel) audience encoding <-feedback<- decoding *internal/external noise* CONTEXT
understanding the classroom setting (5) preselected purpose, time, highly structured, instructor, class members
types of brainstorming (4) free association, clustering, categories, brainstorming w/ technology
Created by: melaniebeale
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