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PTA Neuromuscular

Neuromuscular Terms from SkillBuilder Review

Agnosia The inability to interpret information
Agraphesthesia The inability to recognize symbols, letters, or numbers traced on the skin
Aphasia The inability to communicate or comprehend due to damage to specific areas of the brain
Apraxia The inability to perform purposeful learned movements or activities even though there is no sensory or motor impairment that would hinder completion of the task.
Body Schema Having an understanding of the body as a whole and the relationship of its parts to the whole.
Constructional Apraxia The inability to reproduce geometric figures and designs. A person is often unable to visually analyze how to perform a task.
Decerebrate Rigidity A characteristic of corticospinal lesion at the level of the brainstem that results in extension of the trunk and all extremities
Decorticate rigidity A characteristic of a corticospinal lesion at the level of the diencephalon where the trunk and LE are positioned in extension and the UE are in flexion
Diplopia Double vision
Dysarthria Slurred and impaired speech due to a motor deficit of the tongue or other muscles essential for speech.
Dysphagia The inability to properly swallow
Emotional liability Characteristic of a Right hemisphere infarct where there is an inability to control emotions and outburts of laughing or crying that are inconsistent with the situation.
Fluent aphasia Characteristic of receptive aphasia where speech produces funcitonal output regarding articulation but lacks content and is typically dysprosodic using neologistic jargon.
Hemiparesis Condition of weakness on one side of the body
Hemiplegia condition of paralysis on one side of the body
Homonymous hemianopsia The loss of the R or L half of the field of vision in both eyes
Ideational apraxia the inability to formulate an initial motor plan and sequence tasks where the proprioceptive input necessary for movement is impaired.
Ideomotor apraxia Condition hwere a person plans a movement or task, but cannot volitionally perform it. Automatic movement may occur, however, a person cannot impose additional movement on command.
Non-fluent aphasia Characteristic of expressive aphasia where speech is non-functional, effortful, and contians paraphasias. Writing is also impaired.
Nystagmus Abnormal eye movement that is nonvolitional, rhythmic oscillation of the eyes. The speed of movement is typically faster in one direction and its origin is congenital or aquired.
Perseveration The state of repeatedly performing the same segment of a task or repeatedly saying the word/phrase without purpose.
Synergy Mass movement patterns that are primitive in nature and coupled with spasticity due to brain damage.
Unilateral neglect The inability to interpret stimuli and events on the contralateral side of a hemispheric lesion. Left-sided neglect is most common with a lesion to the right inferior parietal or superior temporal lobes.
Created by: TenilleJ
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