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chapter 2

Genes carry instructions to make body function; most basic unit
DNA chemicals substance makes up genes
Chromosomes store and transmit genetic into (46, 23 pairs)
Conception sperm and ovum intie to form zygotes
Zygote single cell organisms containing 46/23 chrmomsomes
Allele 2 forms of the same gene
Homozygous 2 alleles are alike; both parents have blond hair
Dominant-recessive inheritance one of the allele effects the child -Genetic disorders if both parents have gene children are more likely to
Incomplete dominance both alleles have a single gene- results in combined trait
Polygenetic inheritance many genes combine to influence traits
Genomic imprinting chemical marker activates father or mother genes; normally temporary
Mutation sudden permanent change in DNA segment during birth; cancer etc.
Chromosomal abnormities different number of chromosomes or a structural abnormality in one or more chromosomes;
causes down syndrome extra 21st chromosome
causes sex chromosomes abnormalities problem with X and Y chromosomes
reproductive choices genetic counseling- helps couples, testing- trends, adoption
reproductive technology donor insemination, surrogate mom
prenatal diagnostic method amniocentesis, ultra sound, blood analysis
environment context for development family, poverty, neighborhood, culture
socioeconomic status social status
Collectivist people are a part of a group; group goal over individual
Heredity estimates proportion of individual differences take part of genetics
Kinship study study extended family to see traits
Passive correlation parents provide environment based on heredity
Evocative correlation children influence environment
Niche picking pick places where particular genetic tendencies do best; avoid places that conflict with and do not support their tendencies
Epigenists deviation resulting from on going directional changes
Age of viability 22-26 weeks
Created by: aaaashley
Popular Psychology sets




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