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AP Psych

denial defense avoids difficult situation by simply denying its existence
rationalization give socially acceptable reasons for actions that are really based on motives that they believe to be unnacceptable
reaction formation occurs when people act in exact opposition of their true feelings
displacement involves shifting your reaction from the real source of your distress to a safer individual or object
regression adopt immature, juvenile behaviors that were effective for relieving stress when younger
projection attribute our own unconscious desires to other people and objects
sublimation gratifying sexual or aggressive desires in ways that are acceptable in ones culture
oral stage (year 1) desires:oral stimulation by crying, sucking, biting challenges: overcoming dependency
anal stage (1-3) Desires:anal stimulation by bowel and bladder function Challenges: self control
phallic stage (3-6) Desires: stimulation of genitals Challenges: resolving Oedipus complex by identifying more closely with same sex parent
latent stage (6-puberty) Desires: repression of sexual and aggressive desires Challenges: consciously-learning modesty and shame; unconsciously- dealing with repressed Oedipal conflict
genital stage (puberty-adulthood) Desires: mature sexual relationships Challenges: displacing energy into healthy activities; establishing new relationship with parents
collective unconcious Jung's addition to the unconscious, involving a reservoir for instinctive "memories" including the archetypes that exist in all people
personal unconcious Jung's term for the portion of the unconscious corresponding roughly to the Freudian id
neurotic needs signs of neurosis in Horney's theory, these 10 needs are normal desires carried to the extreme
1st Neurotic need need for affection and approval
2nd Neurotic need need for a partner and dread of being left alone
3rd Neurotic need need to restrict one's life and remain inconspicuous
4th Neurotic need need for power and control of others
5th Neurotic need need to exploit others
6 Neurotic need need for recognition or prestige
7th Neurotic need need for personal admiration
8th Neurotic need need for personal achievment
9th Neurotic need need for self-sufficiency and independence
10th Neurotic need need for perfection and unassailability
3 patterns or attitudes that people use to deal with basic anxiety according to Horney 3 patterns of attitude or behavior according to Karen Horney moving toward others, against others, away from others
Who made up the inferiority complex? Alfred Adler
5 stages of greif Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
self actualizing personalities healthy individuals who have met their basic needs, and are free to be creative and fulfill their potential
People are motivated by a hierarchy of needs and what they do to obtain these needs determine personality Maslow
Hierarchy of needs 1. physiological needs 2. personal safety 3. need to love and be loved 4. personal safety 5. self actualization
Humanists Rogers and Maslow and Alport
Psychoanalyists Freud, Jung, Horney, Adler
Alfred Adler __________. believed that people are motivated by a need to overcome feelings of inferiority
Gordon Alport individuals possess 3 types of traits: central, secondary and cardinal
person centered perspective developed by Carl Rogers states that people are basically good and are endowed with self actualizing tendencies
Bandura our personality is shaped by our own expectations of how our actions might affect other people
reciprocal determinism the process in which cognitions behavior and the environment mutually influence each other
locus of control an individuals sense of where his or her life influences originate
Bandura also believe personality is____________. a collection of learned behaviors that are obtained by observing others
locus of control (internal or external) designed by Julian Rotter states that an individual's sense of where his or her life influences originate
5 Factor theory openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
Created by: chocoholic810
Popular Psychology sets




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