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Skull & Facial Bones

the skull is comprised of how many different bones 22
how many cranial bones in the skull, and what is their function 8 *protection for brain
how many facial bones, and what is their function 14 *provide structure, shape, and support for the face and also protect upper ends of the respiratory and digestive tract
there are two subdivisions of the cranial bones. what are they *calvaria(the cap) *floor(has 3 levels)-anterior fossa/middle fossa/posterior fossa
inner layer of spongy bone separating two outer plates of compact tissue in flat bones diploe
narrow branchlike grooves which cover the internal surface of the cranial bones meningeal grooves
larger channels on the internal surface of cranial bones, which lodge blood blood vessels sulci
what are the 4 cranial bones that make up the cap *frontal bone *occipital bone *R. parietal *L. parietal
what are the 4 cranial bones that make up the floor *ethmoid(anterior fossa) *sphenoid(middle fossa) *R. temporal(posterior fossa) *L. temporal
what are the 14 facial bones *R & L nasal *R & L lacrimal *R & L maxillary *R & L zygomatic *R & L palantine *R & L inferior nasal conchae *vomer *mandible
fibrous, immovable, synarthroidal, joints that connect cranial and facial bones sutures
between frontal and prietal bones coronal suture
on top of head between two parietal bones sagital suture
between temporal bone and the parietal bones(paired) squamosal sutures
between occipital and parietal bones lambdoidal suture
junction of coronal and sagital sutures bregma
junction of sagital and lambdoidal suture lambda
junction of the parietal bone, squamosal suture, and the greater wing of spenoid pterion
junction of the occipital bone, parietal bone, and mastoid portion of the temporal bone asterion
areas of incomplete ossification in infant skulls(aka soft spots)6 in total fontanels
what age is adult cranial size reached age 12
what are the names of the 4 fontanels before closure *anterior *posterior *mastoid *sphenoidal
what are the names of the 4 fontanels after closure *bregma *lambda *asterion *pterion
what is acephalus w/o a head
what is dicephalus or bicephalus two heads
macrocephalus big head
hydrocephalus fluid in the skull
microcephalus small head
the cranial floor or base of the skull is internally divided into how many regions 3
houses frontal lobes of cerebrum, frontal ethmoid, and extends from anterior frontal bone to lesser wings of sphenoid anterior cranial fossa
houses temporal lobes, and extends from lesser wings of sphenoid to apices of petrous ridges middle cranial fossa
deep depression posterior to petrous ridges;protects cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata posterior cranial fossa
what are the 6 aspects of the skull *frontal(anterior) *lateral *posterior(occipital) *vertex(crown) *basal(inferior surface)
petrous pyramids project anteriorly and medially at angle of 47 degrees from MSP mesocephalic or typical skull
petrous pyramids project anteriorly and medially at angle of 54 degrees from MSP, it is also short from front to back, broad from side to side, and shallow from vertex to base brachycephalic skull
petrous pyramids project anteriorly and medially at angle of 40 degrees from MSP;long front to back, narrow from side to side, and deep from vertex to base dolichocephalic skull
rounded knob like portions of frontal bone frontal eminences
where eyebrow sit on skull superciliary arch
foramina on supraorbital margin supraorbital foramina
contained between the two squama on each side of MSP, posterior to supraorbital margin frontal sinuses
consists of a horizontal plate(cribiform plate), vertical plates(crista gali,superiorly & perpendicular plate Inferiorly), two light, spongy masses(labrynths) ethmoid
there are how many labrynth articulations 15
prominent bulge near center of external surface of each parietal bone parietal eminence
irregular, wedge shaped bone that resembles a bat. located in base of cranium, anterior to temporal bones and basilar portion of occipital bone sphenoid bone
sphenoid consists of what *body *two lesser wings *two greater wings *two pterygoid processes
body of sphenoid contains what *sella turcica *two sphenoid sinuses
what are the parts of the sella turcica *tuberculum sellae *dorsum sellae *posterior clinoid processes *anterior clinoid processes
continuous with basilar area of occipital, supports pons of brain clivus
extends across anterior portion of tuberculum sellae. groove ends on each side @ the optic canal optic groove
opening into the apex of orbit for transmission of optic nerve and ophthalmic artery optic canal
which cranial bones make up the orbits *zygoma *maxilla *lacrimal *ethmoid *frontal *sphenoid *palantine
small u-shaped bone situated at the base of tongue/only bone in body that does not articulate with another bone hyoid bone
extend diagonally and inferiorly from lateral walls of nasal cavity at its lower third inferior nasal conchae
what two bones make up the nasal septum ethmoid and vomer
what is the largest immovable facial bone maxilla
transfers recurrent meningeal nerve and meningeal artery/located on greater wing of sphenoid foramen spinosum
transfers mandibular nerve(third branch of trigeminal nerve/located on greater wing of sphenoid foramen ovale
transfers maxilary branch of trigeminal nerve/located on greater wing of sphenoid foramen rotundum
leads into carotid canal foramen lacerum
what are the three auditory ausicles *mallus *incus *stapes
Created by: bigad1982
Popular Radiology sets




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