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Ch. 2 Industrial Psy


scientific method A controlled, objective, and sytematic approach to research.
experimental method Scientific way to determine the effect of influence of a variable on the subjects' behavior.
independent variable In an experiment, this is the stimulus variable that is manipulated to determine its effect on the subjects' behavior.
dependent variable In an experiment, this is the resulting behavior of the subjects, which depends on the manipulation of the independent variable.
experimental group In an experiment, this is the group of research participants exposed to the independent variable.
control group In an experiment, this is the group of research participants that is not exposed to the independent variable.
random group design A method for ensuring similarity between experimental and control groups that assigns subjects at random to each condition.
matched group design A method for ensuring similarity between experimental and control groups on characteristics, such as age, job experience, and intelligence, that could affect the dependent variable.
naturalistic observation The scientific observation of behavior in its natural setting, without any experimental manipulation of the independent variable.
survey research method Interviews, behavioral observations, and questionnaires designed to sample what people say about their feelings or opinions, or how they say they will behave in a given situation.
open-end questions Survey questions to which respondents state their views in their own words. They are similar to essay questions on college exams.
fixed-alternative questions Survey questions to which respondents limit their answers to the choices or alternatives presented. They are similar to multiple-choice questions on college exams.
probability sampling A method for constructing a representative sample of a population for surveys or polls. Each person in the population has a known probability or chance of being included in the sample.
quota sampling A method for constructing a representative sample of a population for surveys or polls. Because the sample must reflect the proportions of the larger population, quotas are established for various categories such as age, gender, and ethnic origin.
descriptive satistics Ways of describing or representing research data in a concise, meaningful manner.
frequency distribution A graphic representation of raw data that shows the number of times each score occurs.
mean The arithmetic average; a way describing the central tendency of a distribution data.
median The score at the midpoint of statistical distribution; half the scores fall below the median and half above.
mode The most frequently obtained score in a distribution data.
normal distribution A bell-shaped distribution of data in which most scores fall near the center and few fall the extreme low and high ends.
skewed distribution An asymmetrical distribution of data with most scores at either the high or the low end.
standard deviation A measure of the variability of a distribution. The standard deviation is a precise distance along the distribution's baseline.
correlation The relationship between two variables. The strength and direction of the relationship is expressed by the correlation coefficient.
statistical significance The level of confidence in the results of an experiment. Significance is based on the calculation of probability values.
inferential statistics Methods for analyzing research data that express relationships in terms of probabilities.
probability The idea that the differences between the means of experimental and control groups could have occurred by chance.
meta-analysis The large-scale reanalysis of the results of previous research studies.
I-O Psychology The application of the methods, facts, and principles of the science of psychology to people at work.
Hawthorne Studies It documented the influence of a variety of managerial and organizational factors on employee behavior.
Created by: BRCruiser
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