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SOC 206: Chapter 1

Thinking About Social Problems

Objective element of a social problem Awareness of social conditions through one's own life experiences and through reports in the media
Subjective element of a social problem The belief that a particular social condition is harmful to society, or to a segment of society, and that it should and can be changed
Social problem A social condition that a segment of society views as harmful to members of society and in need of remedy
Structure The way society is organized including institutions, social groups, statuses, and roles
Institution An established and enduring pattern of social relationships
Social group Two or more people who have a common identity, interact, and form a social relationship
Primary groups Usually small numbers of individuals characterized by intimate and informal interaction
Secondary groups Involving small or large numbers of individuals, groups that are task-oriented and are characterized by impersonal and formal interaction
Status A position that a person occupies within a social group
Ascribed status A status that society assigns to an individual on the basis of factors over which the individual has no control
Achieved status A status that society assigns to an individual on the basis of factors of which the individual has some control
Roles The set of rights, obligations, and expectations associated with a status
Culture The meanings and ways of life that characterize a society, including beliefs, values, norms, sanctions, and symbols
Beliefs Definitions and explanations about what is assumed to be true
Values Social agreements about what is considered good and bad, right and wrong, desirable and undesirable
Norms Socially defined rules of behavior, including folkways, laws, and mores
Sanctions Social consequences for conforming to or violating norms
Symbol Something that represents something else
Sociological imagination The ability to see the connections between our personal lives and the social world in which we live
Manifest functions Consequences that are intended and commonly recognized
Latent functions Consequences that are unintended and often hidden
Anomie A state of normlessness in which norms and values are weak or unclear
Alienation A sense of powerlessness and meaninglessness in people's lives
Variable Any measurable event, characteristic, or property that varies or is subject to change
Hypothesis A prediction or educated guess about how one variable is related to another variable
Dependent variable The variable that the researcher wants to explain; the variable of interest
Independent variable The variable that's expected to explain change in the dependent variable
Experiment A research method that involves manipulating the independent variable to determine how it affects the dependent variable
Survey research A research method that involves eliciting information from respondents through questions
Sample A portion of the population, selected to be representative so that the information from the sample can be generalized to a larger population
Field research Research that involves observing and studying social behavior in settings in which it occurs naturally
Social movement An organized group of individuals with a common purpose to either promote or resist social change through collective action
Created by: 100000033006215
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