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EIT5 - notes

What is information-processing theory? processing, storage, and retrieval of knowledge in the mind
Sensory register Component of the memory system in which information is received and held for very short periods of time
Strategies for gaining attention lowering your voice, using a gesture or surprise, and increasing the emotional content
Rehearsal mental repetition of information, which can improve its retention
Strategy to help students remember concepts and vocabulary organizing material into familiar patterns
episodic memory A part of long-term memory that stores images of our personal experiences.
semantic memory A part of long-term memory that stores facts and general knowledge
procedural memory A part of long-term memory that stores information about how to do things.
flashbulb memory the occurrence of an important event fixes mainly visual and auditory memories in a person’s mind
schemata Mental networks of related concepts that influence understanding of new information
Schema Theory new information that fits into a well-developed schema is retained far more readily than is information that does not fit into a schema
Factors contributing to long-term retention degree to which material was learned in the first place,instructional activities that actively involve students,
levels of processing theory people subject stimuli to different levels of mental processing and retain only the information that has been subjected to the most thorough processing will be retained the longest
dual code theory of memory information coded both visually and verbally is remembered better than information coded in only one of those two ways
massed practice Technique in which facts or skills to be learned are repeated often over a concentrated period of time.
distributed practice Technique in which items to be learned are repeated at intervals over a period of time
verbal learning learning of words or facts expressed as words
paired associate learning Learning of items in linked pairs so that when one member of a pair is presented, the other can be recalled.
serial learning Memorization of a series of items in a particular order.
free recall learning Learning of a list of items in any order.
imagery creation of stories to weave together information
loci method A strategy for remembering lists by picturing items in familiar locations.
pegword method A strategy for memorization in which images are used to link lists of facts to a familiar set of words or numbers.
rote learning Memorization of facts or associations that might be essentially arbitrary.
meaningful learning Mental processing of new information that relates to previously learned knowledge.
inert knowledge knowledge that could and should be applicable to a wide range of situations but is applied only to a restricted set of circumstances.
note-taking A study strategy that requires decisions about what to write
Underlining A study strategy that is effective when one must decide which is the most important sentence as it requires a higher level of processing
summarizing writing brief statements that represent the main ideas of the information being read
writing to learn study strategy that involves having students explain in writing the content they are learning
outlining presents the main points of the material in a hierarchical format, with each detail organized under a higher-level category
mapping students identify main ideas and then diagram connections between them
PQ4R method A study strategy that has students preview, question, read, reflect, recite, and review material
Cognitive teaching strategy one make learning relevant and activate prior knowledge:advance organizers, analogies, elaboration
Cognitive teaching strategy two organize information: questioning techniques and conceptual models
advance organizers Activities and techniques that orient students to the material before reading or class presentation.
analogies Images, concepts, or narratives that compare new information to information students already understand.
elaboration the process of thinking about material to be learned in a way that connects the material to information or ideas that are already in the learner’s mind
questioning techniques requires students to stop from time to time to assess their own understanding of what the text or teacher is saying
conceptual models r diagrams showing how elements of a process relate to one another
Communicating objectives to students 1 The objectives you communicate to students should be broad enough to encompass everything the lesson will teach.
Communicating objectives to students 2 The objectives you communicate should be specific enough in content to make clear to students what the outcomes of their learning will be—what they will know and be able to do and how they will use their new knowledge and skills
Communicating objectives to students 3 State objectives both orally and in writinrepeating them during the lesson to remind students why they are learning. Verbal and written outlines or summaries of objectives. Providing demonstrations/models of learning products/outcomes can be effective
Communicating objectives to students 4 questioning techniques to elicit from students their own statements of objectives or outcomes
Step 1 Unit and Lessons Gaining Attention (Anticipatory Set)
Step 2 Unit and Lessons Informing Learners of the Objective (Anticipatory Set, Objectives, and Purpose)
Created by: 619834299
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