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Strength Training101

excercise terms,workout descriptions, body types, muscles, machines...

Balance A proper ratio of work for all muscle groups
Breathing Breathe during exercise. Don't hold breathe. Inhale when relaxed, exhale when exerting force.
Burning When worked to exhaustion your muscles experience this sensation because of the build up of lactic acid and the depletion of oxygen needed for normal muscle contraction.
Duration The length of time of a specific exercise or exercise session.
Failure Momentary muscular failure. Inability to complete a rep through full range of motion.
Flexibility The range of motion about a joint.
Frequency The recurrence of training sessions per day, week, and month.
Intensity The quality of effort, amount of resistance used and/or the difficulty of the exercise.
Overload Providing a greater stress or load on the body than it is normally accustomed to handling.
Recovery(Rest Period) The amount of time required to re-supply the energy stores of the body. As the time under tension increases, the recovery time decreases.
Repetition The number of times a weight is lifted. Time under tension.
Sequence Exercise order. Placing exercises demanding greater neutral control, involving multiple joint motions and targeting the larger muscle groups first.
Sets A group of consecutive repetitions performed without a rest or recovery period.
Volume The total amount of training in your workout period.
Warm Up An activity that increases the core temperature and prepares it for exercise.
Aerobic Endurance exercises where oxygen is used to produce energy. Nonstop exercise for at least 20 minutes to elevate your heart rate 60 to 80 percent of your maximum.
Agility The ability to change the direction of the body and body parts rapidly and under control.
Anaerobic Short term, high intensity exercise burns more oxygen than can be replaced.
Atrophy A decrease or shrinking in muscle size.
Concentric Contraction When force is applied while a muscle shortens and a joint moves.
Definition Indicates a lack of body fat. Muscles are well defined or toned.
Density The thickness or hardness of your muscles.
Eccentric Contraction When muscles lengthen against resistance (negatives).
Muscular Endurance The ability to carry on muscle contractions of varying intensity over a period of time.
Hypertrophy An increase in mass and strength of a muscle.
Isolation Working one muscle at a time.
Isometric Contraction Occurs when force is produced by a muscle, but no change in muscle length occurs.
Muscle Tone The state of heightened muscle tension or readiness.
Overtraining Excessive volume or intensity of training, or both, resulting in fatigue...Lack of proper rest and recovery.
Peaking Progressing your workouts overtime to reach your physical best on the day of competition.
Power The ability to exert high levels of force in a short period of time.
Pump Muscle enlargement after strenuous exercise.
Strength The maximal amount of force that a muscle or muscle group can generate at a specific velocity.
Tension The amount of force developed by a muscle when it contracts.
Valsalva The holding of your breath as you exert maximum force.
Circuit Workout A series of different exercises with little or no rest.
Cross Training Aerobic exercise when your sport is primarily anaerobic, and vise versa. Also, a variety of workouts to improve performance and fitness.
Cycle Workouts Rotating workouts to stress intensity or volume and at other times toning.
Double-Split Workout Working out twice a day, but training different body parts.
Holistic Workouts A broad range of repetitions to work every part of your muscle cell.
Isokinetic Workouts Workouts in which you train at a constant velocity, without acceleration. Requires the right type of machine.
Isolation Workouts Workout in which you make your muscles work harder by positioning your limb in an anti-gravity position.
Isometric Workout Workout in which you contract your muscles against each other or against fixed objects. No movement at any joint.
Isotonic Workout Free-weight and machine workouts in which your muscles contract, change length and tension, and move weights at varying speeds.
Negative Workouts Workouts in which you resist with your muscle while lowering the weights.
Periodization Workouts Workouts in which you divide your training into monthly and yearly cycles for endurance, strength, power, and skill.
Plyometric Workouts Workouts with exercise where you can perform a concentric contraction (shortening of the muscle) immediately following an eccentric contraction (lengthening of muscle).
Push/Pull Workouts Workouts in which you work your muscles that "pull" with your muscles that "push".
Pyramid Workouts Workouts in which you progressively increase your exercise weights and lower your repetitions.
Split Workouts Workouts in which you work upper body one day and lower body on your next training day. Or, working different body parts on different days.
Supersets Doing a set of one exercise immediately followed by a set of a different exercise. Usually done using antagonisic muscle groups.
Active Stretch When the person stretching supplies the force of the stretch.
Passive Stretch When a partner or device provides the force.
Static Stretch Is a constant stretch in which the end position is held for 10 to 30 seconds.
Ballistic Stretch This involves a bouncing movement in which the end position is not held. This stretching is normally performed only for the lower body(quadriceps,hamstring, and hips) and lower torso(low back and external obliques).
Dynamic Stretch This involves flexibility during sport specific movements. This stretching is similar to ballistic stretching in that it utilizes movement, but this stretching includes movements that may be specific to a sport or movement pattern.
Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) Combines alternating contraction and relaxation of both agonist and antagonist muscles. Three basic types of PNF: Hold-relax Contraction-relax Slow-reversal-hold-relax
Ectomorphic thin, flat chested, delicate build, young appearance, tall, lightly muscled, stoop-shouldered, small shouldered, fragile self-conscious, likes privacy, introverted, inhibited, socially anxious, artistic, mentally intense, emotionally restrained...
Mesomorphic hard and muscular body, overly mature appearance, rectangular shape(male), hour glass shape(female), thick skin, upright posture, gains muscle easily, gains fat easies than ectomorph, torso tapers, tans well, adventurous, wants power, courageous, bold,
Endomorphic soft body, underdeveloped muscles, round shape, over developed digestive system, fine hair, high waist love of food, tolerant, sociable, relaxed, good humored, extravert, need for affection, even emotions
Created by: me505
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