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Assess/Diagnoses 2

Final-Mood, Personality, Anxiety, Substance, Childhood disorders

Bipolar I Mood disorder; one or more Manic or Mixed Episodes, accompanied by Major Depressive Episodes.
Bipolar II Mood disorder; one or more Major Depressive Episode accompanied by at least one hypomanic episode.
Major Depressive Disorder Mood disorder; one or more Major Depressive Episode (at least two weeks of depressed mood or loss of interest accompanied by at least four additional symptoms of depression.
Dysthymic Disorder Mood disorder, at least two years of depressed mood for more days than not, accompanied by additional depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for a Major Depressive Episode
Cyclothymic Disorder at least two years of numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms that do not meet criteria for a Manic Episode and number periods of depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for Major Depressive Episode
Depressive Mood Episode min 2 weeks, deprsd mood and/or loss interest plus 5 of: weight change, insomnia, psychomotor agitation, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness, impaired ability to concentrate, suicide ideation, impaired social, occupational funct.
Manic Mood Episode min 1 wk; 3 of: grandiosity, decreased sleep, talkative, racing thoughts, distracted, psychomotor agitation, increase goal activity, excessive involvement in pleasurable activities, impaired social/occupational func.
Mixed Episode min 1 wk; manic and depressive episode every day: rapid altering moods, agitation, insomnia, psychotic features, suicide thinking, irregular appetite, impaired social/occupational funct.
hypomanic episode min 4 days; elevated, expansive/irritable mood or 3 of: grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, talkative, mind racing, distracted, increase goal activities, excessive pleasurable activities, dramatic change in functioning, no psychotic features
Borderline Personality Disorder instability in personal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity; (dramatic/erratic)
Narcissistic Personality Disorder grandiosity, need for admiration, lack of empathy (dramatic/erratic)
Dependent Personality Disorder submissive and clinging behavioral related to an excessive need to be taken care of (anxious/inhibited)
Paranoid Personality Disorder distrust and suspiciousness such that others' motives are interpreted as malevolent (odd/eccentric)
Histrionic Personality Disorder excessive emotionality and attention seeking (dramatic/erratic)
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control (anxious/inhibited)
Schizoid Personality Disorder detachement from social relationships and a restricted range of emotional expression (odd/eccentric)
Schizotypal Personality Disorder acute discomfort in close relationships, cognitive or perceptual distortions, and eccentricities of behavior (odd/eccentric)
Antisocial Personality Disorder disregard for/violation of the rights of others (dramatic/erratic)
Avoidant Personality Disorder social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation. (anxious/inhibited)
Agoraphobia anxiety disorder; anxiety or avoidance of situations from which escape might be difficult/embarassing/help not available in event of Panic Attack/symptoms
Panic Attack discrete period of sudden intense apprehension, fearfulness/terror, often associated with feelings of impending doom
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder re-experiencing traumatic events accompanied by symptoms of increased arousal and avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma
Panic Disorder recurrent unexpected Panic Attacks about which there is persistent concern (without agoraphobia)/ can be with agoraphobia
Generalized anxiety disorder 6 months of persistent and excessive anxiety and worry
Specific Phobia clinically significant anxiety provoked by exposure to specific feared object or situation, often leading to avoidance behavior.
Social Phobia clinically significant anxiety provoked by exposure to certain types of social or performance situations, often leading to avoidance behavior
Substance Abuse Disorder maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment of one+: failure to fulfill role, use in hazardous situations, legal problems, social problems (no physiological tolerance/withdrawal)
Substance Dependence Disorder maladaptive patter of substance use leading to impairment of 3+: need for increased amounts, diminished effects of same amount, withdrawal symptoms, substance taken to relieve withdrawal symptoms; unsuccessful effort to cut down/control use
Substance Intoxication development of reversible substance specific syndrome due to recent ingestion of substance; psychological changes due to effects on nervous system.
Substance Withdrawal development of a substance specific cluster of symptoms due to the cessation of substance; social, occupational impairments
Mental Retardation subaverage intellectual functioning (IQ below 70) with onset before 18; concurrent deficits in adaptive functioning; can be mild, severe, profound, unspecified
Mild Mental Retardation IQ 50-70; develop social/communication skills during preschool years; minimal impairment in sensorimotor skills, often not distinguishable from children without; acquire 6th grade academic skills by late teens; min self support skills by adult;
Moderate Mental Retardation IQ 35-55; acquire communication skills during childhood years; profit from vocational training and can attend to self care with moderate supervision; issues with peer relationships, unlikely to progress beyond 2nd grade level;
Severe Mental Retardation IQ 20-40; little to no communication/speech in early childhood years; can be trained in elementary self care skills at school age; simple supervised tasks as adults
Profound Mental Retardation IQ below 25; neurological condition common; impaired sensorimotor functioning; constant supervision; some can perform simple supervised tasks
Unspecified Mental Retardation used when IQ tests cannot be determined; infants; uncooperative individuals.
Pervasive Developmental Disorder severe deficits and pervasive impairment in multiple areas of development: reciprocal social interaction, communication, stereotyped behavior, interests, and activities. (Austism, Rett's, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Asperger's)
Autism impaired nonverbal behaviors, failure to develop peer relationships, lack of social/emotional reciprocity, qualitative impairments in language; repetitive use of language; lack of make believe play; repetitive behaviors; inflexible to change;
Asperger's Disorder impaired social interaction; nonverbal impairments; failure to form peer relationships; lack of enjoyment of others; lack of social/emotional reciprocity, NO delay in cognitive functioning
Conduct Disorder repetitive pattern of behavior: aggressive to people/animals, physically cruel to people/animals, stolen confronting victim, forced sexual activity; destruction or property; deceitfulness or theft; violation or rules; before age 13
Oppositional Defiant Disorder pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting 6 months with 4+: loses temper, argues with adults, refuses to comply with adults rules, annoys people, blames others, easily annoyed, angry, spiteful
Separation Anxiety Disorder developmentally inappropriate and excessive anxiety concerning separation from home or from person
Created by: 100003130910059
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