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Psychology Exam 6

Chp 15 and 16

Psychotherapy Techniques to improve psychological functioning and promote adjustment to life
Person-centered therapy Carl Rogers/ client comes first
Gestalt Therapy Fritz Perls/ experiential therapy, integrates body and mind
Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Albert Elis/ very interactive, focus on thought process
Cognitive Therapy therapy that treats problem behaviors and mental processes by focusing on faulty thought processes and beliefs
self talk internal dialogue
cognitive restructuring process in cognitive therapy to change destructive thoughts or inappropriate interpretations
cognitive-behavior therapy combines cognitive therapy with behavior therapy
Rational-Emotion Behavior Therapy (REBT) musterbation, should-ing all over yourself
Beck's Cognitive Therapy Distorted thinking patterns/ effective for for depression, anxiety, bulimia, etc/ criticisms: ignoring unconscious processes, emphasizes on rationality
Humanistic Therapy Focuses on removing obstacles that block personal growth/ client-centered therapy/ criticism: core concepts are difficult to empirically test
Therapeutic Qualities of Communication Empathy, unconditional positive regard, genuineness, active listening
Group, Family, and Marital Therapies group therapy, self-help group, family and marital therapy
group therapy a number of people meet together to work toward therapeutic goals/ less expensive, group support, behavior rehearsal
self-help group leaderless or nonprofessionally guided groups in which members assist one another with a specific problem
family and marital therapies goal is to change maladaptive family interaction patterns
Behavior Therapy group of techniques based on learning principles used to change maladaptive behaviors/ operant conditioning, observational learning/ phobias, OCD - ethics related to control
Biomedical therapy using biological interventions to treat psychological disorders
Psychopharmacology study of drug effects on brain and behavior/ antianxiety, antipsychotic, mood stabilizer, antidepressant
ECT biomedical therapy based on passing electrical current through the brain/ used almost exclusively to treat serious depression when drug therapy fails
Psychosurgery surgical alteration of the brain to bring about desirable behavior, cognitive, or emotional changes
Eclectic Approach combining techniques from various theories to find the most appropriate treatment
Clinical psychologist Ph. D of philosophy or psychology
Psychiatrist doctor of medicine
Psychiatric Nurse M.A. extra extent in psychology
Social Psychology study of how others influence our thoughts, feelings, and actions
Atribution how we explain our own and others' actions
Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE) attributing peoples' behavior to internal causes rather than external factors
Just-World Phenomenon Tendency to believe that people generally get what they deserve
Self-Serving bias taking credit for out successes and externalizing our failures
Attitude learned predisposition to respond cognitively, affectively, and behaviorally to a particular object
Cognitive Dissonance unpleasant tension and anxiety caused by a discrepancy between an attitude and a behavior
Festinger and Carlsmith people getting paid $1--> high levels of CD/ $20--> low levels of CD
Prejudice a learned, generally negative, attitude toward members of a group
stereotype set of beliefs about the characteristics of people in a group that is generalized to all group members
discrimination negative behaviors directed at members of a group
Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love intimacy, passion, commitment
Milgram's Studies of Obedience legitimacy and closeness, remoteness of victim, assignment of responsibility, modeling
Altruism actions designed to help others with now obvious benefit to helper/ evolutionary, egotistic, empathy
Zimbardo study how behavior is influenced by situation/ prisoners
Asch Experiment social influence= conformity and obedience
Created by: nwmoser
Popular Psychology sets




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