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Psy 313 final

Research Methods Final

Know the four goals of science Describe, explain, predict,influence
Develop hypotheses what you think when your study is done: Single parents who work long hours in order to make ends meet, have a higher rate of teens engaging in
Independent Variable the variable that is manipulated or varied by the researcher
Dependent Variable the response that is measured
informed consent consent by the patient to undergo the experiment, lists everything that will be done
debriefing explaining everything that happened during the study
confidentiality the state of keeping a secret
Benefience Use knowledge in such a way that we benefit others and promote human welfare.
Nonmaleficence Avoid causing harm to another person
Autonomy The individual has the freedom to choose his or her own course of action.
Justice Treat others equally and fairly and recognize and promote the worth and dignity of each person.
Fidelity Be faithful, keep promises, and avoid deception in order to build trusting relationships between researcher and participant.
Categorical Variable consists of different categories or classes (i.e., gender, ethnicity)
Continuous Variable consists of different levels or values (i.e., age (in years), SAT scores, and Height)
Operational Definition To identify in concrete terms how the variable will be measured. Creating an operational definition means applying concrete terms to an abstract concept.
Reliability the consistency of a measure or the extent to which you get the same results using the measure repeatedly.
validity A valid measure adequately assess the variable it was designed to measure
difference between reliability and validity? one is getting a score, and the other is asking if we are really measuring what we want
non experimental method a method of gathering data by using Questions
experimental method the use of controlled observation and measurements to test hypothesis
Quantitative research Involves assigning numerical codes to the data and analyzing these numerical codes.
Qualitative research Numerical codes are not assigned. Instead, language and images are evaluated.
interviewer bias interviewer persuades the participant to answer the question the way they want them
naturalistic observation participants are observed in their natural setting
Systematic Observation A systematic observation is an objective and organized means of gathering data to confirm or validate criteria
Sample a subset of the population
population all individuals of interest to the researcher
Haphazard Sampling Researchers select whatever portion of the population is conveniently available.
Quota Sampling Researchers select a sample that is similar to the population as a whole in specific characteristics
Simple Sampling Every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample.
stratified sampling subgroups of the population are identified,and participants are randomly selected to represent the subgroups
confound variable anything that can manipulate our study that wasn't accounted for
internal validity The extent that you can draw causal conclusions about your findings
repeated measures when each participant participates in every measure of the study
pre-test when the measures are administered to participants prior to any experimental manipulations.
post-test when the measures are administered after the experimental manipulation takes place.
post test only design Measure the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable
pre- and post-test A pretest is given to each group prior to introduction of the experimental manipulation and then again after the experiment
Demand characteristics using unrelated filler items as questions
expectancy effect getting the results the researcher wants
factorial design design with more than one independent variable
main effects The effect of each independent variable (by itself) on the dependent variable
interaction when the effects of one independent variable (on the dependent variable) interact with the other independent variable
manipulated variables Experimental variables
non manipulated variable These are correlational variables, such as subject characteristics
Created by: alied91
Popular Psychology sets




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