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For my third phonetics exam!

Any sound that can be produced by the human vocal tract? Phonemes
A variant form of a phoneme? Allophones
What are minimal pairs? a pair of words that differ only in one sound
tongue, lips, teeth, jaw, soft palate, alveolar ridge, etc? The articulators
the tongue, lower lips? Active articulator
What are passive articulators? Upper lip, upper teeth, alveolar ridge
What are vowels? Produced by vocal tract that is more or less unobstructed. high, midlow, front
What are voiced sounds? Produced with vibration of the vocal cords (folds). Don't do anything different.
What are voiceless sounds? Produced without vibration of the vocal cords (folds). Ex: (s, z)
What are cognates? A consonant sound that differs from another by voicing. Ex: (p,b) ALL PAIRS THAT ARE CIRCLED
What are palatal sounds? The hard palate (roof and mouth) and tongue. Examples? ʃ, ʒ, tʃ, dʒ, r
What are velar sounds? Soft palate (velum) and tongue. Examples: k, g, ŋ
What are glottal sounds? The space between the band of the muscles. Ex: h
What are labial sounds? Sounds that are produced by one or both lips.
What are bilabial sounds? The lower and upper lips. Ex: (p, b), m, w
What are labiodental sounds? The lower lips and upper teeth. Ex: (f,v)
What are interdental sounds? Ex: (θ, ð)
What are alveolar sounds? Alveolar ridge ( behind the upper teeth and tongue tip). Ex: (t, d), n, (s, z), l
What are obstruents? Stops, fricatives, and affricates
What are sonorants? Vowels, glides, liquids, nasals
What are stop (polsives)? Produced with complete stoppage of airflow through the vocal tract. Ex: p, b, t, d, k, g
What are fricatives? Partial blockage of the air stream causing turbulence or friction. Ex: f, v, θ, ð, s, z, ʃ, ʒ, h
What are affricates? Begins with a stop, releases as a fricative. Ex: tʃ, d ʒ
What are stridents? Produced by directing the airflow against a surface, considerable friction.
What are non-stridents? Ex: θ, ð, h
What is rhotic? Ex: r
What is tap/flap? Short contact of articulation. Ex: water, letter, etc
What are nasals? Resonance, the pathway to the nasal whatever. Ex: m, n, ŋ
What are approximants? They are glides and liquids (w, j) (r, l)
What are glides? Produced with a rapid transition usually following a vowel. Ex: w, j
/p/ voiceless, bilabial
/b/ voiced, bilabial
/t/ voiceless, alveolar
Glottal stop? When the vocal folds stop the airflow. ? symbol. Is phonemic.
What is homorganic? The sounds that are made with the same articulators although differing in one. Ex: p, b, m
/v/ voiced, labiodental
/θ/ voiceless, interdental
/ð/ voiced, interdental
Fricatives ARE... largest set of consonants in American English.
/f/ voiced, labiodental
/ʒ/ voiced, palatal
/h/ voiceless, glottal
/s/ voiceless, alveolar
/z/ voiced, alveolar
/ʃ/ voiced, palatal
/n/ voiced alveolar
/ŋ/ velar
/m/ voiceless, bilabial
/j/ voiced, palatal
/w/ voiced, bilabial
What are semi-vowels? glides (w, j) J is similar to high front vowel (i). w is similar to high back vowel (u). They are considered ONGLIDES
What are liquids? l, r
Gliding examples? yeyyo, wabbit.
Created by: vampireweekend
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