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Psychology Exam#3LSU

cycle of bodily rhythm that occurs over a twenty-four-hour period Circadian Rhythm
Internal clock is called ______________ _____________. Superchiasmatic Nucleus
The Superchiasmatic Nucleus is located in the _________________. Hypothalamus
A test that measures electrical activity in the brain. Electroencephalogram (EEG)
About every ___ minutes during sleep we pass through ____ distinct sleep stages. 90,5
EEG Pattern during normal waking thought and alert problem solving. Beta
EEG Pattern during deep relaxation, blank mind, meditation. Alpha
EEG Pattern during light sleep. Theta
EEG Pattern during deep sleep. Delta
Awake and Alert = ________ waves. Beta
Awake but relaxed = ____________ waves. Alpha
With each 90-minute cycle, stage ____ sleep decreases and the duration of _______ sleep increases. 4, REM
is a rare genetic sleep disorder that shows us what can happen without sleep. Deterioration of health and other side effects Fatal Familial Insomnia
a rare disorder in which the mechanism that blocks the movement of the voluntary muscles fails, allowing the person to thrash around and even get up and act out nightmares. REM Behavior Disorder
Frightening dreams during REM. Nightmares
What two sleep disorders occur during deep, non-rem sleep? Somnambulism & Night Terrors
What two sleep disorders occur during REM sleep? REM Behavior Disorder and Nightmares
sleep disorder in which a person falls immediately into REM sleep during the day without warning Narcolepsy
sleep disorder in which individuals stop breathing because the windpipe fails to open or because brain processes involved in respiration fail to work. Sleep Apnea
Sigmund Freud suggested the dreams provide a psychic safety valve to discharge unacceptable feelings. The dream’s manifest (apparent) content may also have symbolic meanings (latent content) that signify our unacceptable feelings. Wish Fulfillment
Why do we dream? Wish Fullfilment and Physiological Functioning
Dreams provide sleeping brain with periodic stimulation to develop and preserve neural pathways. Neural networks of newborn are fast developing therefore need more sleep. Physiological Function
drug craving and use despite adverse consequences. Addiction
less effect same dose, need more. Tolerance
need for drug, withdrawal without it Dependence
Caffeine Nicotine Amphetamine and methamphetamine Cocaine Stimulants or Depressants? Stimulants
Drugs that affect awareness, behaviour, sensation, perception or mood. Psychoactive Drugs
Drugs that increase the functioning of the nervous systems Stimulants
Most commonly used psychoactive drug in the U.S. Stimulants
Heightened arousal, reduced fatigue Too much causes tension, anxiety. Caffeine
90% of Americans use this stimulant Caffeine
increasingly being studied as a teratogen. Caffeine
More addictive than heroin or alcohol. #1 cause of preventable death in US. Easiest substance to become addicted to and most difficult to quit. Nicotine
Develop tolerance quickly. Trend for stimulant use (like Ritalin) in college kids. Amphetamines and Methamphetamines
Increases dopamine>feeling of euphoria From coca plant Cocaine
decrease the functioning of the nervous systems Depressants
Feels like a stimulant? It’s not! It depresses the areas that control judgement and inhibition. Severe withdrawal. Long term health consequences. Alcohol
Lower anxiety Addictive Dangerous in large doses. Benzodiazepines
Known as major tranquilizers. Sedative effect, dangerous in large doses. Addictive. Develop tolerance quickly. Barbiturates
Drugs which come from opium and suppress pain Narcotics
Made from opium poppy Mimic endorphins Narcotics
Distorts perceptions and evokes sensory images in absence of sensory input. Hallucinoegens
Used only as an animal tranquilizer PCP
Also a stimulant. Entactogen – increase emotional openness and empathy. Studies suggest permanent serotonogic pathway damage, cognitive deficits and decreased performance on memory tasks. MDMA
used by Native Americans, from peyote cactus Mescaline
“magic mushrooms” Psilocybin
Mimics endocannibinoids. Marijuana
influence of our inherited characteristics on our personality, physical growth, intellectual growth, and social interactions Nature
influence of the environment on personality, physical growth, intellectual growth, and social interactions Nurture
Genes can influence traits which affect responses, and environment can affect gene activity. Gene Environment Interaction
concepts of frameworks to organize and interpret information Schemas
They try to understand new things in terms of schemas they already have assimilation
They also adjust or alter old schemas to fit new information accomodation
governs the learning of language during infancy and early childhood, proposed by Chomsky Language Acquisition Device
the behavioral characteristics that are fairly well established at birth Temperament
the emotional bond between an infant and the primary caregiver Attachment
(exposing the infant to a series of leaving and returning of mother and stranger) to study attachment styles. Strange Situation
Who executed Strange Situation? Ainsworth
willing to explore; upset when mother departs, but easily soothed upon her return Secure
unattached; explores without “touching base” Avoidant
insecurely attached; upset when mother leaves and then angry with mother upon her return Ambivalent
insecurely attached and sometimes abused or neglected; child seems fearful, dazed, and depressed Disorganized-Disoriented
showed that infants bond with surrogate mothers because of bodily contact and not nourishment. Harlow
Parents impose rules and expect obidience Authoritarian
Parents submit to children's demands Submissive
Parents are demanding but responsive to children Authoritative
Trust Vs. Mistrust INFANCY
Autonomy Vs. Shame and Dout Toddlerhood
Initiative Vs. guilt Preschooler
Competence vs. Inferiority Elementary School
Identity vs. Role Confusion Adolescense
Intimacy Vs. Isolation Young Adulthood
Generativity vs. Stagnation Middle Adulthood
Integrity vs. Despair Late Adulthood
the behavior associated with being male or female Gender
perception of one’s gender and the behavior that is associated with that gender Gender Identity
begins with puberty (sexual maturation) and last until age 20 Adolescense
type of thought common to adolescents in which young people believe themselves to be unique and protected from harm Personal Fable
type of thought common to adolescents in which young people believe that other people are just as concerned about the adolescent’s thoughts and characteristics as they themselves are Imaginary Audience
Before age 9, children show morality to avoid punishment or gain reward. Preconventional morality
By early adolescence social rules and laws are upheld for their own sake. Conventional morality
Affirms people’s agreed-upon rights or follows personally perceived ethical principles. Postconventional morality
begins in the early twenties and ends with death in old age. Adulthoood
Adulthood is divided into : Early, Middle and Late Adulthood
fluid intelligence (ability to reason speedily) ________ with age declines
_______________ intelligence (accumulated knowledge and skills). Crystallized
How do genetic inheritance and experience influence our behavior? Nature/Nurture
Is development a gradual, continuous process or is it divided into stages? Continuity/Stages
Do our personality traits persist through life,or do we become different persons as we age? Stability/Change
consists of a negative bias or stereotypic attitude toward aging and the aged. It is maintained in the form of primarily negative stereotypes and myths concerning the older adult Ageism
the process through which the real or implied presence of others can directly or indirectly influence the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of an individuals Social Influence
changing one’s own behavior to match that of other people Conformity
influence resulting from desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval Normative Social Influence
influence resulting from willingness to accept other’s opinions about reality Information Social Influence
changing one’s behavior as a result of other people directing or asking for the change Compliance
Created by: taylortrahan13
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