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Psyc ch. 6

Psychology exam ch. 5,6,7,8

Awareness of one's surroundings and of what's on one's mind at a given moment (environment and thoughts) Consciousness
Monitoring of information from the environment and from one's own thoughts Awareness
Degree of alertness, reflecting whether a person is awake or asleep Wakefulness
Barely awake or aware Minimal Consciousness
Eyes closed and unresponsive Coma
Unresponsive, yet show deliberate movements vegetative state
Just below conscious thought Moderate consciousness
Potentially accessible info but not currently aware Freud's preconscious
consciousness that waxes and wanes throughout the day full consciousness
state of involvement that one loses a sense of time flow
heightened awareness of the present mindfulness
Ability to focus awareness on specific features in the environment while ignoring others selective attention
Two messages received, one in each ear. Recall is better for the ear that is attended to Dichotic listening tasks
Filter out noises until you hear your name Cocktail party effect
Failure to notice unexpected objects in our surroundings inattentional blindness
Don't notice potential distracters when a primary task consumes all of our attentional capacity perceptual load model
Ability to maintain focused awareness on a target or idea sustained attention
Detect one letter among a string of letters presented, one after another Continuous Performance
Sitting and focusing on breathing concentration meditation
pay attention to details in present movement Appears to: -Enhance well-being -Reduce stress -Improve phys. health Mindfulness meditation
Substances that alter consciousness Psychoactive drugs
Use a drug compulsively Psychological dependence
Continued use of a drug and dependence Addiction
Alcohol, sedatives, opioids, slow body system Depressants
Caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy; increases alertness and heart rate, nervousness Stimulants
LSD, marijuana; alters mood, euphoric feelings, distorted time Hallucinogens
Variations in 24-hour physiological processes Circadian rhythms
Internal Clock Suprachiasmatic Nucleus (SCN)
Waves when you are fully awake Beta waves
Waves when you are drowsy and relaxed Alpha waves
Waves when you sleep, stage 1, 2, and 3 Theta waves
Quick movements of the eye that occur during sleep, thought to mark phases of dreaming Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
The function of sleep helps: Restore neural growth, consolidates memory, and produces enzymes that protect against cellular damage
How much sleep we owe our bodies Sleep debt
Sleep disorder in which it takes more than 20 min to fall asleep, not staying asleep, not feeling rested Insomnia
Sleep disorder in which pauses in breathing occur that last from a few sec. to a few min. Sleep apnea
sleep disorder where you get up and perform tasks sleepwaking
Sleep disorder where you fall asleep at inappropriate times Narcolepsy
Sleep disorder where you get 10 or more hours of sleep for 2 weeks Hypersomnia
Succession of images, thoughts, and feelings we experience while asleep Dreams
Surface level, recalled upon waking Manifest level
Deeper, unconscious level, where the true meaning lies in a dream Latent level
Man who created the psychoanalytic theory Sigmund freud
Aim theory Activation, Input, Mode; three biologically based dimensions of consciousness
Dreams are not that different from every day thinking Cognitive theory
Aware of and can control your dream Lucid Dream
Created by: shanncruz
Popular Psychology sets




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