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Thalamus Stuff...

Thalamus Info

Anterior Nucleus functions & destination Limbic Pathways Cingulate Gyrus
Mediodorsal Nucleus functions & destination Limbic pathways, major relay to frontal cortex Frontal Cortex
Centromedian Nucleus (Intralaminar group) functions & destination Motor relay for BG Stratum, cerebral cortex
Lateral Dorsal nucleus functions & destination Functions with anterior nuclei
Lateral Posterior Nucleus functions & destination Functions with pulvinar (vision)
Ventral anterior nucleus functions & destination Relays BG & cblr inputs to cortex Widespread to frontal lobe, including pre-frontal, pre-motor, motor & supplementary motor cortex
Ventral Lateral nucleus functions and destination Relays BG & cblr inputs to cortex Motor cortex
Ventral Posterior Lateral Nucleus (VPL) functions & destination Relays somatosensory spinal input to cortex Sensory cortex
Ventral Posterior Medial Nucleus (VPM) functions & destination Relays somatosensory CN inputs & taste to cortex Somatosensory & taste cortex
Reticular Nucleus Relays info that may regulate thalamic activity; connected to RF & cortex
Blood Supply of the Thalamus Basilar root of PCA; PCA; Post. Communicating a.; Internal carotid a.
Internal Capsule Blood supply Posterior Limb & Genu- Lateral Striate (branch of MCA) Anterior Limb- Medial Striate (branch of ACA)
Posterolateral Territory (Caudal Part of Lateral Group) Branches of PCA Primary sensory nuclei: VPL, VPM, Pulvinar/Centromedian Nuclei
Lesion to Posterolateral Territory causes what s/sx? Pansensory loss; Paresthesia; Contralateral thalamic pn All s/sx contralateral!
Anterolateral Territory (Rostral Part of Lateral Group) Posterior communicating aa. VA, VL, Dorsomedial, & Anterior nuclei
Lesion to Anterolateral Territory causes what s/sx? Neuropsychological- abulia, L side- speech, R side- visuospatial problems, contralateral hemiparesis, visual field cuts
Medial Thalamic Territory PCA Basilar Root
Lesion to Medial Thalamic territory causes what s/sx? Drowsiness, usually a bilateral lesion This territory deals with more abstract things
Lateral Thalamic Territory Internal Carotid Post. Limb of IC, LGN, VPL, Pulvinar, Reticular thalamic nuclei
Lesion to Lateral Thalamic Territory causes what s/sx? Contralateral hemiparesis, dysarthria, +/- visual field cuts
Posterior Thalamic Territory LGN, Pulvinar, Dorsolateral nuclei
Lesion to Posterior Thalamic territory causes what s/sx? Contralateral homonymous quadrantopsia, hemihypesthesia, neuro defects (memory deficits), visual field cuts
Lesion of Sub-Thalamus Largely connected to GP; Sudden, forceful involuntary mvmts in contralateral extremity Jerky mvmts- choreiform; Violent mvmts- ballistic; Hemiballism
Pineal Tumors Depress gonadal fxn, delay puberty, also interfere with vertical gaze (b/c directly above midbrain)
Pineal Lesion Early onset of puberty
Created by: 1190550002
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