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Psychology chap.15

Pearson psychology chapter 15

Define Mental Disorder Any Behavior or emotional state that causes a person to suffer, is self-destructive; seriously impairs the person's ability to work or get along with others; or endangers others or the community.
Define Insanity Legal term that rests primarily on whether a person is aware of the consequences of his or her actions and can control his or her behavior.
What is the D.S.M? The reference manual used to diagnose mental disorders is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The D.S.M's primary aim is DESCRIPTIVE: to provide clear diagnostic categories, so clinicians and researchers can study and treat disorder
What are critics of the D.S.M state? Diagnoses are needed for insurance reasons for therapists to be compensated. Also: over-diagnosis, the power of diagnostic labels, confusion of serious mental disorders with normal problems, the illusion of objectivity.
What do supporters of the D.S.M state? The DSM improves the reliability of and agreement between clinicians, also the importance of new categories that need to distinguish disorders precisely.
What is a projective test? Psychological tests used to infer a person's motives and conflicts, on the basis of the person's interpretation of ambiguous stimuli. (Rorschach inkblot test)
What are objective tests? Standardized objective questionnaires requiring written responses; they typically include scales on which people are asked to rate themselves.
What is generalized anxiety? A continuous state of anxiety marked by feelings of worry and dread, apprehension, difficulties in concentration, and signs of motor tension.
What is Post-traumatic stress disorder? PTSD is an anxiety disorder in which a person who has experienced a traumatic or life-threatening event has symptoms such as psychic numbing, reliving of the trauma, and increased physiological arousal.
What are panic disorders? An anxiety disorder in which a person has recurring attacks of intense fear or panic, often with feelings of impending doom or death.
What are phobias? An exaggerated, unrealistic fear of a specific situation, activity, or object.
What is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Recurrent, persistent, unwished-for thoughts or images(obsessions) and by repetitive, ritualized behaviors that the person feels must be carried out to avoid disaster(compulsions)
What is major depression? A mood disorder involving disturbances in emotions(excessive sadness), behavior(loss of interest in one's usual activities),cognition(thoughts of hopelessness), and body function(loss of appetite and fatigue.)
Define personality disorders. Maldaptive traits that cause great distress or an inability to get along with others.
What are the two models of addiction? Biological and Learning.
Define the biological model. Holds that addiction, whether to alcohol or any other drug, is due to primarily to a person's neurology and genetic predisposition.
Define the learning model. Examines the role of the environment, learning, and culture in encouraging or discouraging drug abuse and addiction.
What is the debate over multiple personality disorder? Whether the patients are truly mentally ill or creating these personalities.
What are the symptoms of Schizophrenia? Bizarre delusions, Hallucinations, Disorganized incoherent speech, grossly disorganized and inappropriate behavior, impaired cognitive abilities
Define narcissistic personality disorder A disorder characterized by an exaggerated sense of self-importance and self-absorption
Define antisocial personality disorder. A personality disorder characterized by a lifelong pattern of irresponsible behavior such as lawbreaking, violence, and other impulsive, reckless acts.
Created by: jtulachanh
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