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P Psychology Test 2

Positive emotions such as as joy and contentment can... Facilitate the broadening of an individual's momentary thought-action repertoire
Experiencing joy induces playfulness which in turn... Builds enduring social and intellectual resources by encouraging attachment
Fredrickson's "Upward Spiral" Positive emotions help generate resources, maintain vital energy and lead to creation of more resources
What is the ratio of positive to negative emotions that facilitates flourishing? 2.9:1
A state of flow can lead to... Happiness
Subjective Well-Being entails a combination of what? Positive affect and general life-satisfaction
Percentage of what contributes to happiness 50% one's set points, 10% life events, 40% activities and choices that you include in your life
The complete state model for mental health entails High levels of symptoms of emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing, and the absence of recent mental illness
Emotion focused coping Approach emotionally laden situations and learn to cope with them and grow as a result
It is good for us to vent and process our emotions because This helps us to learn what we feel and why we feel it
Emotional story telling was especially helpful for those who were More hostile and/or suffering from alexithymia
Self-efficacy People's beliefs in their capabilities to produce desired effects by their own actions
Optimism develops out of Well developed generalized self-efficacy
High hopers Percieve stress as challange, respond with "I can do it" attitude
Wisdom A form of excellence in living desplayed by ordinary people
Baltes group's 5 components of wisdom Factual and procedural knowledge, life-span contextualism, relativism of values, and recognition and management of uncertainty
Wisdom grows As we learn to think flexibly and solve problems
Three types of courage Moral, physical, and vital courage
Courageous mindset Capacities to cope with harmful external constructs
Mindfulness Attending non-judgmentally to all stimuli in the internal and external environments
Being mindful requires Accepting the uncertainty of life, overriding engagement in automatic behaviors, decreasing the tendency to engage in evaluations of ourselves, others, and situations
Flow occurs when Challenges and skills are matched
Flow Intense and focused concentration, merging of action and awareness, and loss of self consciousness
Autotelic personality Curiosity, persistence, and low self-centeredness, related to the ability to experience flow
Altruism is motivated by Personal egotism and empathic desire
Appreciation relates to heart rate how? It calms its pattern and slows it down
When we feel unattached and unloved Our personal growth is impeded
Romantic love Intense arousal that fuels a romantic union
Companionate love Smooth and steady warmth that sustains a relationshipt
Sterberg's Triangular Theory of Love Passion, intimacy, commitment
Self'expansion theory of romantic love Self-esteem is increased as well as self-efficacy, as a result of engaging in a love relationship
Magic number of positive to negative interaction statements in a love relationship 5:1 5 positive to undo one negetive
Capitalization Telling others about positve events in one's life.
1st stage: Basic trust vs Mistrust 0-2 yrs Virtue: Hope Relationships: Mother Question: Can I trust the world? Examples: Feeding, Abandonment
2nd stage: Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt 2-4 yrs Virtue: Will Relationships: Parents Question: Is it ok to be me? Examples: Toilet training, clothing themselves
3rd stage: Initiative vs Guilt 4-5 yrs Virtue: Purpose Relationships: Family Question: Is it ok for me to do, move, and act Examples: Exploring, using tools, making art
4th stage: Industry vs Inferiority 5-12 yrs Virtue: Competence Relationships: Neighbors, school Question: Can I make it in this world of people and things? Examples: School, sports
5th stage: Identity vs Role confusion 13-19 yrs Virtue: Fidelity Relationships: Peers, role model Question: Who am I? What can I be? Examples: Social relationships
6th stage: Intimacy vs Isolation 20-24 yrs Virtue: Love Relationships: Friends, partners Question: Can I love? Examples: Romantic relationships
7th stage: Generativity vs Stagnation 25-64 yrs Virtue: Care Relationships: Household, Workmates Question: Can I make my life count? Examples: Work, Parenthood
8th stage: Ego Integrity vs Despair 65-death Virtue: Wisdom Relationships: Mankind, my kind Question: Is it ok to have been me? Examples: Reflection on life
What modes of relating to the environment are learned (or associated) with the first 4 stages? 1st: To get 2nd: To hold on, to let go 3rd: To make 4th: To do well, to work
The first 4 stages correspond to what Freudian stages? oral, anal, phallic, and latency phases
Individuality A sense of one's uniqueness and existence as a separate distinct entity
Sameness and continuity A sense of inner sameness. Continuity between past and future selves, a feeling of continuous motion in a meaningful direction
Wholeness and synthesis A sense of inner harmony and wholeness. Synthesis of the self-images and identifications of childhood into a meaningful whole that produces a sense of harmony.
Social solidarity A sense of inner solidarity with the ideals and values of society or a subgroup within it, a feeling that one's identity is meaningful to significant others and corresponds to their expectations and perceptions.
Identity crisis PTSD
What is the difference between a case history and a psychobiography? In case history, you try to understand underpinnings of psychological problems. In psychobiography you understand the person's creative contributions.
Negative identity Basing your personality on negative and bad (in the social eye) roles. Happens if positive social roles are not easily present
Transference Feelings that the patient develops for their therapist
Countertransference Feelings that the therapist develops for the patient
Created by: mustafa2812
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