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Hor contracep CI

Hormonal contraception CI

Distorted uterine cavity IUDs
Anemias no CI
Benign ovarian tumors/cysts no CI
Breast cancer all but copper IUD is CI
breast feeding <1 month postpartum- COC, patch ring
cervical cancer Both IUDs CI to INITIATE
severe cirrhosis CI in all except copper IUD
DVT CI in COC, patch, ring
Depression No CI
DM with nephropathy/retinopathy/neuropathy CI in COC, patch, ring and injection
DM >20 years or w/ vascular disease CI in COC, patch, ring and injection
endometral cancer CI in IUD INITIATION
gallbladder disease CI in COC, patch, ring
gestational trophoblastic disease CI in both IUDs
HA CI in COC, patch, ring and continuation of all except copper IUD if there is aura
Bariatric surgery CI in COC and progestin pills
history of cholestasis CI in COC, patch, ring if COC related
HTN CI in COC, patch, ring and also injection if if 160/100 or vascular disease
Ischemic heart disease CI in all except copper IUD
Liver tumors adenoma and malignant CI in all except copper IUD
multiple risk factors for arterial cardiovascular disease (older age, smoking, diabetes and HTN)CI in COC, patch, ring and injection
Obesity no CI
ovarian cancer No CI
Pelvic inflammatory disease No CI
peripatum cardiomyopathy CI in COC, patch, ring
postabortion immediately post septic abortion CI in IUDs
postpartum <21 days CI in COC, patch, ring
STIs cevicitis, chlamydial or gonnorrhea CI in INITIATION of IUDs
Smoking CI in COC, patch, ring
solid organ transplant complicated CI in COC, patch, ring and INITIATION of IUDs
Stroke CI in all except IUDs
lupus CI in all except copper IUD
thrombogenic mutations CI in COC, patch, ring
tuberculosis in pelvic- CI in IUDs
unexplained vaginal bleeding CI in injection, implant and INITIATION of IUD
vavular heart disease complicated CI in COC, patch, ring
viral hepatitis acute or flare- CI in COC, patch, ring
Ritonavir CI in COC, patch, ring and progestin pills
anitconvulsant therapy CI in COC, patch, ring and progestin pills
rifampicin or rifabutin CI in COC, patch, ring and progestin pills
thyroid disorders No CI
Created by: Kachmiel
Popular Pharmacology sets




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