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mental disorders

who invented the sensation seeking scale? Zuckerman
what is a high sensation seeker? your best asset is that having a lot of things going on will not bother you. your worst problem is that you may become bored.
what is a low sensation seeker? you prefer a stable and organized life; your best asset is that you are very detail oriented and organized. your worst problem is that you may become distracted if too many people or too many things are going on
what is abnormal? (4 D's) disability, distress, deviance, danger
disability: regarding daily life function (work, school)
distress: of the person (unhappy)
deviance: from socio-cultural norms (statistically rare or uncommon)
danger: to self or others
what is the psychology student syndrome? you may come to believe that you have a disorder
what is the history of abnormal behavior? demons; trephining (holes cut in skull)
what do psychologists use to help diagnose disorders? DSM-IV-R
what is an anxiety disorder? when dread debilitates
what are three types of anxiety disorders? generalized anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
generalized anxiety: unfocused anxiety, panic attacks, stressed for no reason
phobias: fear that is focused; illness, social, animals, objects, etc.
what is a very common phobia today? agoraphobia; fear of going outside
obsessive-compulsive disorder behaviors and thoughts outside of control; ritualistic behaviors -- locking doors, washing hands, checking!
what is a somatoform disorder? physical symptoms without any physical causes
what are two types of somatoform disorders? general somatoform, hypochondriac
general somatoform: individuals experience various physical symptoms that do not stem from physical causes
hypochondriac: individuals convert anxiety into chronic preocupations with their health and bodily functions
what did dissociative disorders used to be referred to as? MPD - multiple personality disorder
what are two types of dissociative disorders? psychogenic amnesia, dissociative identity disorder
psychogenic amnesia amnesia for which there is no organic cause
dissociative identity disorder: multiple personality disorder; sally's mailbox stalker
What are some types of Mood Disorders? Bipolar disorder and Depression
bipolar depression swing between depression and mania; due to chemical imbalance
depression sadness, lack of energy, despair; biochemical, psychological; more common for women,
what is one type of depression? seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
what is SAD? seasonal affective disorder; depression during the winter
what are some types of schizophrenia? disorganized, catatonic, paranoid
schizophrenia: disturbances of thought; perception(see things, hear voices); affect (laugh inappropriately), ability to function
disorganized schizo: childlike behavior; giggle, strange posture, neologisms (belly badluck = stomach ache) and word salad (ex: singing stuff, talking like a child)
catatonic schizo: motion; these people will "freeze" temporarily
paranoid schizo: believe someone/something is out to get them; delusions of grandeur (think they are God, etc.) Interestingly, they will pass a lie detector test saying they are God, Jesus, etc.
What are some miscellaneous disorders? sexual disorders, childhood disorders, substance abuse, personality disorders
sexual disorders; paraphilias, frotteurism (rubbing on ppl)
childhood disorders: hyperactive, eating disorders, autism... if you don't have these before age 18, you probably won't get them
substance abuse: ex: alcoholism
personality disorders: antisocial, dependent, passive-agressive, avoidant, perfectionistic
Created by: kelseyrae
Popular Psychology sets




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