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HLSD Timeline
Question | Answer |
Freud Oral | 0-1 years, weaning |
Freud Anal | 1-3 years, toilet training |
Freud Phallic | 3-6 years, gender conception |
Freud Latency | 6-12 years, expanding social contexts |
Freud Genital | 12+ years, establishing family |
Erikson Basic trust vs. mistrust | 0-1 years - developing a sense that the world is safe |
Erikson Autonomy vs. shame and doubt | 1-3 years - realising independence |
Erikson Initiative vs. guilt | 3-6 years - trying new things and failing |
Erikson Industry vs. inferiority | 6 years - adolescence - learning basic skills and co-operation |
Erikson Identity vs. role confusion | Adolescence - sense of self |
Erikson Intimacy vs. isolation | Young adulthood - commit to loving relationships |
Erikson Generativity vs. stagnation | Middle adulthood - contribute to new generation |
Erikson Integrity vs. despair | Later life - view life as satisfatory |
Piaget Sensorimotor | 0-2 years, knowledge of the world is based on the senses and motor skills. Object permanence is established. |
Piaget Pre-operational | 2-6 years - child uses symbols to represent the world, egotistical. Death is reversible. |
Piaget Concrete operational | 7 - early adolescence - logical operations, fading of egotistical thought. Death is irreversible. |
Piaget Formal operational | Adolescence and beyond - thinks abstractly. Death is inevitable, causality. |
Pre-attachment | 6 - 8 weeks - eye gazes with the mother |
Attachment in the making | 6-8 weeks to 6-8 months - differentially consolable |
Attachment | 6-8 months to 18 months - can't move away from mother |
Reciprocal attachement | > 18 months - relationship becomes two-way |
Solitary play | 0-1 year |
Parallel play | 12 - 15 months - playing alongside other child with no interaction |
Simple social play | 15 - 18 months - do similar activities |
Co-operative play, understanding desires and relationships with action | 2 years - take on roles and interact |
Gender preference - PLAY | 2-3 years |
Gender roles Preference to play with gender oriented toys | 18 months |
Gender labelling | 0-30 months - self recognition as boy or girl |
Gender stability | 3-4 years - gender is stable over time |
Gender consistency, firm grasp of how thoughts and beliefs explain behaviour | 4-5 years - gender does not change despite changes in appearance |
Normal APGAR score | >7/10 |
Basic cry | Starts softly and builds in volume and intensity |
Mad cry | Loud and more intense |
Pain cry | Starts with a loud wail, followed by a long pause then gasping |
Foetal posture | 0 months |
Chin up | 1 month |
Chest up | 2 months |
Number of words known by age 6 | 10,000 |
Sit up with support and clumsily reach for objects | 4 months |
Sit on lap and grasp dangling object with two hands (good-coordination), can differentiate pitch (hearing) | 6 months |
Sit alone and make a stepping motion | 7 months |
Stand with help | 8 months |
Stand using furniture | 9 months |
Creep/crawl | 10 months |
Walk when led | 11 months |
Pull to stand by furniture | 12 months |
Stand alone | 14 months |
Walk alone | 15 months |
Handed preference | By 2 years |
Same visual acuity as adults | Within 1 year |
Babies hear phonemes and begin to coo and babble | Birth to 1 year |
Zone of Proximal Development | The difference between a child’s performance with and without proficient help |
Ego | The reality, modulator principle |
Id | The unorganised part of personality that contains the basic drives |
Superego | Moral-driven consciousness |
Cluster A Personality Disorders | Eccentric/Schizophrenia Continuum (paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal) |
Cluster B Personality Disorders | Dramatic/Psychopathic Continuum (antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic) |
Cluster C Personality Disorders | Anxious/Neurotic Oontinuum (avoidant, dependent, obsessive compulsive) |
Borderline Personality Disorder (CB) | Pervasive pattern of instability in personal relationships, self-image and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood. Fractured sense of self, possible suicide attempts |
Paranoid Personality Disorder (CA) | Jealous and controlling in relationships. Patterns of mistrust and suspiciousness |
Schizoid Personality Disorder (CA) | Pattern of detachment from social relationships, restricted range of affect. |
Schizotypal Personality Disorder (CA) | Acute discomfort in close relationships, eccentric behaviour, cognitive/perceptual disorders |
Antisocial Personality Disorder (CB) | Disregard for and violation of the rights of others. charming, suck people in and have no remorse for their actions. |
Histrionic Personality Disorder (CB) | Excessive emotionality and attention seeking. Often very seductive and superficial. |
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (CB) | Grandiosity, need for admiration and lack of empathy. Sense of superiority, envy and entitlement. |
Avoidant Personality Disorder (CC) | Social inhibition, feeling of inadequacy, hypersensitivity to negative evaluation. |
Dependent Personality Disorder (CC) | Submissive, clingy behaviour related to excessive need to be looked after. |
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder | Preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism and control. Hard-workers who don't see anything wrong with their behaviour. |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder | Intrusive thoughts (obsessions) about unwanted events that result in anxiety and/or action (compulsions). Individuals do not like their behaviour. |
Generalised Anxiety Disorder | Persistent and excessive pattern of uncontrollable worry and anxiety. |
Panic disorder | Recurrent (5-10 mins) of unexpected heightened fear. Can occur with or without agoraphobia (fear of another panic attack). |
Whole brain death | No spontaneous movement in response to any stimuli for at least an hour. A flat ECG for 10 minutes, no motor, no pain, no pupil responses, no postural activity or vocalising. |
First Stage of Grief | Denial |
Second Stage of Grief | Anger |
Third Stage of Grief | Bargaining |
Fourth Stage of Grief | Depression |
Fifth Stage of Grief | Acceptance |
Secure attachment | Child is comforted on mother's return, stops crying and begins to explore |
Avoidant attachment | Child ignores or turns away from mother when she returns |
Resistant attachment | Child is upset and remains upset when the mother returns |
Disorganised attachment | Child is confused and unsure of reaction |
Microsystem | Spouse, child, family - immediate environment |
Mesosystem | Friends/workplace |
Exosystem | Local community, government - social environment |
Macrosystem | Culture, ethnicity |
Compensation | An alternative method of achieving goals |
Optimisation | Creating the best match between goals and resources |
Average sleep for infant | 16-18 hours with a 4:1 sleep ratio |
Sleeps through the night | 3 -4 months old |
Can only use zippers | 2-3 years |
Tying shoes | 6 years |
Understands desires and their relationship with actions | 2 years |
Can tell the difference between imaginary and real | 3 years |
Female sexual maturation | 11-15 years |
Male sexual maturation | 13-17 years |
ADHD | Inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity |
Delusions | Fixed false thought |
Most important opinions to health behaviours | Perceived barriers and perceived benefits |