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psych midterm ch 6

consciousness awareness of one's surroundings & of what's in one's mind at a given moment (awake&aware)
global workspace of consciousness various sensory elements brought together here
consciousness required for? mental processes like imagining situations, planning, mental tasks, sequences of info., speaking/understanding language, logical reasoning
wakefulness degree of alertness reflecting whether person is awake/asleep
awareness monitoring of info from the environment & from one's thoughts
vegetative state wakeful but not very aware/responsive
coma eyes closed, unresponsive, unarousable
reticular formation area in brain controls wakefulness
Glasgow coma scale distinguishes different degrees using of eye opening 2.verbal responsiveness 3.motor responsiveness (ranges from 3-15, 3: most fatal)
minimally conscious state person is barely awake/aware but shows some deliberate movements, cant communicate, show signs of intentional behavior
preconscious material potentially accessible but not currently available to awareness
tip of the tongue phenomenon we know something, we know we know it, but we cant pull up the info
moderate consciousness while we sleep/dream (roused by sounds important to us, while ignoring others because of a perceptual wall in our conscious preventing us from perceiving most sensations of the outer world)
flow state strong focused attention, things flowing smoothly, you know what you're doing, lose track of time (stage of full consciousness)
mindfulness heightened awareness of present moment, events in one's environment, events in one's mind ex: more mindful person realizes everything when talking to a friend such as their tone/looks/etc
attention key aspect of consciousness, limited capacity to process info that's under conscious control
selective attention ability to focus awareness on specific features in environment while ignoring other
dichotic listening task focus on one ear while receiving info in both ears
cocktail party effect ability to filter out auditory stimuli & then refocus attention when you hear your name
inattentional blindness fail to notice expected objects in our surroundings
perceptual load model we dont notice potential distracters when a primary task consumes all of our attention, more important/hard tasks may consume more attention
synchronization conscious attention occurs when neurons from many distinct brain regions work together
sustained attention ability to maintain focused awareness on a target/idea
CPT continuous performance test (helps develop skill for sustained attention)
meditation practices that people use to calm the mind, stabilize concentration, focus attention, enhance awareness of the present moment (develop mindfulness, improve attentional skills, enhance well being, reduce stress, decrease depression, etc)
sleep perceptual wall between conscious mind&outside world, awareness diminished greatly but not completely. since it's reversible, it's different from a coma
circadian rhythms variations in physiological processes that cycle within approximately a 24 hour period including the sleep-wake cycle
SCN suprachiasmatic nucleus (internal timekeeper in hypothalamus which regulates physiological activity on daily cycles)
melatonin hormone that plays a role in relaxation & drowsiness
REM rapid eye movements that occur during sleep/thought to mark dream phases
beta waves rapid, low energy waves when we are awake
alpha waves slower, high energy waves when we are awake&relaxed/drowsy
Non-REM form of sleep with few eye movements (slow rather than fast). 4 stages each with unique brain wave patterns
theta waves slower & longer in energy than alpha waves when we enter sleep stage 1
sleep stage 1 light sleep (only 5-7 mins), theta waves
sleep stage 2 theta waves show short periods of extremely fast & somewhat higher energy (sleep spindles), sudden high energy K complexes
sleep stage 3 initially consists of theta waves with some higher energy delta waves, progressively more&more delta, less&less spindles&K complexes
sleep stage 4 no spindles, K complexes
describe a night of sleeping sleep stage 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 (REM sleep dreaming 8-10 mins), cycle repeats & with each cycle, NONREM shorter & REM longer. each cycle roughly 90 mins.
full blown dreams regular during nonREM, less common than REM
REM dreams more detailed, active, less like regular thinking
sleep neural growth, memory consolidation, protection against cellular damage
sleep debt amount of sleep our brains owe our bodies
sleep deprivation connects to? anxiety, depression, paranoia
insomnia sleep disorder: difficulty falling/staying asleep, don't feel rested
sleep-walking sleep disorder: activities occurring during nonREM sleep that occur when one's awake
narcolepsy sleep disorder: excessive daytime sleepiness/weakness in facial&limb muscles (cataplexy)
hypersomnia sleep disorder: sleeping excessively/wanting to nap at inappropriate times
night terrors scream, frightened, sweating, fast breathing & then normally sleeps. no known cause. no recollection (NON REM)
dreams thoughts, feelings, images experienced during sleep
Freud dreams are the road to our unconscious. said dreams operate on 2 levels
manifest level Freud's surface level of dreams, recalled upon waking
latent level Freud's level of dream: deeper, unconscious where true meaning of dream lies
NONREM sleep moderately active, external, logical (closer to reality)
REM sleep highly active, internal, loose
hypnosis focused attention, suggestibility, absorption, lack of voluntary control over behavior, suspension of critical faculties.
hypnosis induced pain activates? same circuit as real pain circuit
stroop effect delay in reaction time when color of words on a test & their meaning differ
psychoactive drugs substances that reliably produce qualitative changes in conscious experience
addction results from habitual,physical,psychological dependence on a substance
depressants alcohol, sedatives, opioids
stimulants caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, amphetamines, mdma
hallucinogens marijuana, LSD
cirrhosis nonfunctional scar tissue in liver/fatal condition caused by chronic drinking
binge drinking 5 days in a row: men, 4 days in a row: women
moderate alcohol consumption 2/day
Created by: alexisyoo
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