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Ancient Civ of M.E.

Ancient Civilizations of Mesopotamia

Civilization A group of people with a similar culture who have settled in a region.
Scarcity a shortage of something
Surplus having more than enough of something
fertile where something can easily grow
hunter-gatherer one who gets their food by hunting and gathering
Irrigation a method of bringing water to crops in an area with no available water source
Food Surplus having more than enough food; this was accomplished in ancient civilizations by farming
Artisan a skilled craftsman, like a baker or metal worker
Social Class how a society is divided up based on wealth, power, or property
Mesopotamia the area between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Present day Iraq.
Fertile Crescent Area surrounding the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, where Mesopotamia is located.
Canal man-made channel for bringing water from a river to a field. A tool used in irrigation.
Dike a small dam
Sumer Earliest civilization in Mesopotamia
Babylon Ancient civilization that existed from 1800 B.C. to 1600 B.C. before being conquered by the Assyrians.
Assyria civilization that existed between 1365 B.C. and 612 B.C.; known for their large libraries
Phoenicians civilization that existed in the northern part of Africa near the Mediterranean; most famous for their 22 letter alphabet that allowed people to read and write.
Polytheism to worship many gods
B.C./B.C.E means "Before Christ" or "Before Common Era"; the earliest recorded time
A.D./C.E. Means "Anno Domini" (the year of our lord) or "Common Era", it refers to the time we are currently in. IT DOES NOT MEAN AFTER DEATH!!!
City-state a form of government where each city acts as a state, usually with its own god or goddess
Ziggurat a tmeple to the gods
Cuneiform a system of writing in ancient Mesopotamia; it was very complicated and used lines and wedges for the symbols.
Hammurabi's Code a system of laws created by King Hammurabi of Babylon that told people how to settle conflicts in all areas of life.
Created by: cornelius
Popular Geography sets




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