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Psychology Exam 3

Learning relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience cannot be explained by instincts, maturation, or temporary states
Conditioning learning specific behaviors in response to certain stimuli
Classical Conditioning learning thru pairing a previously neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response
Unconditioned Stimulus stimulus that naturally leads to some reaction (meat powder)
Unconditioned Response response that naturally follows the unconditioned stimulus (salivation)
conditioned stimulus neutral stimulus we learn to pair with some other stimulus or event (sound of bell)
conditioned response response we learn to make when presented with the conditioned stimulus (salivation due to sound)
Operant Conditioning learn to do voluntary behaviors to earn reward or avoid punishment
Schedules of Reinforcement 1. Fixed interval 2. Variable interval 3. Fixed ratio 4. Variable ratio
Pavlov experiment with dogs (UCS, UCR, NS, CS, CR)
Thorndike's Law of Effect the probability of an action being repeated is strengthened if it is followed by a pleasant or satisfying consequence
Skinner Skinner box: rat receives food pellets each time it pushed the lever
Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment 1965
3 Key Processes of Memory Encoding: selective attention Storage: retrieving Retrieval: recover info from storage
Ebbinghaus' Forgetting Curve 3 letter
Lashley 150's/ Rats' memories not localized
Loftus created a false memory about her mother's death
Sensory Memory .5s - visual/ 2-4s - auditory// initial recording of sensory info
Short Term Memory working memory/ holds info thinking about-2s/ 30s 5-9 digits
Long Term Memory unlimited capacity and duration
Types of LTM 1. Explicit: intentionally learned/recall 2. Semantic: general facts 3. Episodic: Personal events 4. Implicit: unintentionally learned
Serial Positioning Effect Remembering the items at the beginning of the list, and the end of the list
Memory Improvements Pay attention, rehearse, encoding specificity, organize, counteract serial-positioning effect, manage your time, acronyms
Retrograde Amnesia memory loss for events prior to brain injury
Anterograde Amnesia memory loss for events after brain injury
Alzheimer's Disease progressive mental deterioration characterized by sever memory loss
Barriers to Problem Solving Irrelevant info, function fixedness, mental set, unnecessary contraints (mental sets, functional fixedness, confirmation bias, availability heuristic, representativeness heuristic)
Stanford-Binet ages 2-24// measures reasoning
Wecshler tests all ages// performance on tasks
Gardner multiple intelligence
Sternberg Analytical+Practice+Creative
Galton Eugenics// regression to the mean
twin studies MZ together: .86 DZ together: .60 MZ apart: .72
3 stages of PS 1. Preparation 2. Production 3. Evaluation
Spearman intelligence is a single factor: general intelligence
Fluid intelligence (gf) memory and speed of info processing
Crystallized intelligence (gc) store of knowledge and skills gained through experience and education
Concept mental representation of a category
Created by: nwmoser
Popular Psychology sets




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