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Chivalry honorable behavior especially towards women
extolling praising highly
narcissist one who has excessive self admiration
pseudoym name other than ones own, such as a pen name
pundits (Noun) learned people or authorities
Rhetoric (Noun) The ability to use language effectively
Quotidian (Noun) Something that occurs dailey
Exegesis (noun) Critical explanation or interpretation
Lexicographer (Noun) A writer, editor, or compiler of a dictionary
Paradox (Noun) contradictory statement or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth
Shoo-in (Noun) someone certain to win
Fin-di-siecle Pertaining to the end of the century
Jargon (Noun) The language or vocabulary peculiar to a particular trade, profession or group shop talk
Insidious (adj) Secretly treacherous or decitful
Usurped (verb) seized or held without right or authority often by forces
Dichotomy (Noun) Division of two opposing ideas or kinds
Autonomous (adj) Idependent
Hypochondriac (noun) one preoccupied with ones health
Penchant (noun) A strong inclination or a liking for
Surname (Noun) The name used in common by members of a family
Domestic (adj) Pertaining to ones own country
Inherent (ADJ) existing as an essential element quality or attribute of something
Intrinsically (adv) Belonging to a thing by its very nature
Moniker (noun) A persons name especially a nickname
Surfeit (Noun) over abundance excess
Abhorrent (adj) shocking disgusting repellent
Appellation (noun) Name
Glean (verb) to learn or discover slowly
Connotation (noun) The associated meaning of a word or expression
Amelioration (noun) the act of improving something or making it more satisfying
Paradigm (noun) an example serving as a model
Dais (noun) A raised platform (podium)
Phenomenon (Noun) an observed or observable occurrence
Flummox (adj) to confuse (verb) slovenly untidy (adj)
Created by: keeganpacic
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