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Pediatrics Vocab

Pediatrics Vocab for Respiratory class

Ovum Egg, Ova= More than one egg
Embryo Day4 (after fertilization) through week 8 of gestational development
Fetus Week 8 until birth
Neonate Newborn, generally up to 1 month of age
Infant 1 month- 1 year
Placenta Spongy structure that provides nutrients and O2 to fetus during pregnancy
Umbilical cord Lifeline between mother and fetus, Provides O2 and removes waste, Composed of 2 arteries and 1 vein
Uterus Place where fetus is held during development
Amniotic Fluid Clear liquid present in amniotic sac during pregnancy, Suspends and protects fetus, Shock absorber for fetus, Less acidic than fetal lung fluid, Forms around week 12, Highest levels at week 33
Whartons Jelly Gelatinous material inside umbilical cord, Protects cord from being pinched
Ductus Arteriousus Pathway (shunt) between aorta and pulmonary artery
Ductus Venosus Lies in abdominal cavity of developing fetus, Shunt between umbilical vein and inferior vena cava
Foramen Ovale Shunt between right and left atria
Para Number of children a woman has had, Includes live birth and stillborns (after 20 weeks)
Gravida Number of pregnancies
Primagravida First pregnancy
Doppler Sonic imagery of fetus
Lanugo Fine Hair covering fetal skin
Gestation Length of time baby is in the womb, Normal= 38-42 weeks
Meconium First feces of newborn infant, Composed of salts, amniotic fluid, mucus, bile, and epithelial cells, Sterile, Greenish black in color, Odorless, Very thick
Vernix White cheesy substance on fetal skin, Protects skin from water in amniotic sac
Braxton-Hicks Contractions False Labor
Effacement Cervix thinning, preparing for delivery
Surfactant Reduces surface tension in the alveoli, Decreased amounts in preemies is what causes RDS
Ectopic Pregnancy Fertilized egg that implants outside of the uterus
Amniocetesis Transabdominal puncture of amniotic sac to remove amniotic fluid, Used to check for genetic disorders and fetal lung maturity
APGAR Appearance Pulse Grimace Activity Respiration effort, Done at 1 min and 5 min after birth, Determines need for resuscitation
Acrocyanosis Bluish coloring of feet and hands, Common w/ newborns
Omphalocele Abdominal defect where intestines stick out of babies belly button
Necrotizing Enterocolitis Death of intestinal tissue
Peritonitis Inflammation of tissue that lines the inner wall of abdomen
Umbilical artery Catheter Catheter inserted into one of the umbilical arteries, Used for frequent blood draws of the newborn
Jaundice Yellowish tint of skin, Caused by too much bilirubin in the blood
Atresia Congenital absence or closure of a normal body opening or tubular structure
Hypoplasia Under-developed
Transposition Transfer of position from one spot to another
Anamoly Deviation from normal
Coarctation Compression, shriveling, or stricture of the walls of a vessel
Hypertrophy Increase in size or bulk of an organ or structure
Transillumination Passing light behind tissue to see structures between the light and the observer
Coarctation Compression, shriveling, or stricture of the walls of a vessel
Hypertrophy Increase in size or bulk of an organ or structure
Transillumination Passing light behind tissue to see structures between the light and the observer
Created by: geko546
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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