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P Psychology Test 1

Who specified the term "positive psychology"? Abraham Maslow
Reality Negotiation The process by which people arrive at agreed upon world views or definitions
2 Previous Positive Periods in Civilization 5th Centure B.C. Athens and 15th Century Florence
Tao The energy that surrounds everyone
Yin Yang Balance between opposing forces and desires
The Values in Action Inventory of Strengths Describes individual differences of character strengths
VIA-IS Six Virtues 1. Wisdom and knowledge 2. Courage 3. Love and Humanity 4. Justice 5. Temperance 6. Spirituality, Transcendence
Ryff's Model of Psychological Well-Being Self-acceptance, personal growth, purpose in life, environmental mastery, autonomy, positive relations with others
Agape Love Selfless Love
What was the purpose of the report: Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, published in 2001? To outline the historical understanding of why minority groups were racially inferior
What is found in all cultures that buffers people from developing mental disorders? Resilience and adaptive ways of coping
SEcond important message from Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity regarding psychologists' behavior Psychologists need to incorporate cultural issues into their treatments
Culture Counts Culture counts in the etiology, effects, and treatment of psychological problems.
Snyder, Lopez, and Teramoto Pedrotti recommend future psychologists... Count culture as major influence on strength and good living
Culture Free Understanding of Science and Practice People can hold a neutral stance while examining universal traits and behaviors.
Culturally Embedded Perspective on Science and PRactice People acknowledge the influence of cultural values in examining strength and positive functioning.
Genetically and Culturally Deficient Perspective on Human Diversity Certain groups have great deficiencies of race and culture. Explains why they were dominated and oppressed by other groups
Culturally Different Perspective Each culture has the full potential to grow because of the unique strengths engendered by that culture.
Craniometry The relationship between skull characteristics and intelligence
Peterson and Seligman found and created a list of 24 what? Personal characteristics that are universally shared by all cultures
Which group of psychologists approach their research with questions of "what is working" instead of "what is not working"? Developmental Psychologists
Parsimonious definition of resiliance Bouncing back
A person who is resilient must have... risk or adversity present
What is the biggest help towards resiliency? At least one caring adult
Participants in Terman's study of 1500 intellectually gifted children nickname themselves? The "Termites"
Gifted children that had a high risk of mortality were most likely of having what type of explanatory style? Catastrophizing
Successful Aging Joy, Love, Learning
Which contextual factor promotes successful aging across studies? Social support
Created by: mustafa2812
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