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mine #5

Contrast to Freudian Theory begins with the same basis, focused more on cross-cultural studies, modified the stages of development to apply to the entire life-span, and believed that a person can return to an unresolved stage.
Trust vs. Mustrust (B-1(1/2) Maladaptation:overprotection leading to gullibility; malignancy: neglect leading to withdrawal, depression, and paranoia; Virtue:Hope.
Autonomy vs. Same and doubt (1(1/2)-3) maladaptation: overly permissive parenting leads to impulsivity; malignancy: overly critical parenting leads to compulsivity; Virtue:willpower and determination.
Nature vs. Nurture genetics vs. physical and social environment.
stability vs. change development is gradual vs. occurs in distinct change.
critical periods vs. sensitive periods a specific time during development when a particular event has its greatest consequences vs. organisms are particularly susceptible to certain kinds of stimuli in their environments.
stages of prenatal development Germinal, embryonic, and fetal
Germinal Fertilization to 2 weeks. cells divide rapidly. zygote attaches to the uterine wall.
embryonic 2 to 8 weeks. major organs and body systems grow.
fetal 8 weeks to birth. major organs become differentiated. fetus kicks, clenches fists, and hears sounds outside uterus, health can be affected by mothers diet, and reflexes emerge.
APGAR scale a standard measurement system that looks for a variety of indications of good health.
What does "APGAR" stand for? Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration.
alternative birthing procedures Lamaze birthing, Bradley Method, and Hypnobirthing.
Lamaze birthing technique uses breathing techniques and relaxation training
Bradley method "husband-coached childbirth" Based on the principle that childbirth should be natural, without medication or medical interventions.
Hypnobirthing it involves a form of self-hypnosis during delivery tat produces a sense of peace and calm, thereby reducing pain.
Childbirth attendants obstetricians, midwife, and doula.
post-delivery hospital stays a woman should stay in the hospital no less than 48 hrs after giving birth.
preterm infants(premature infants) are born prior to 38 weeks after conception.
postmature babies those still unborn 2 weeks after the mothers due date.
physical competence reflexes-unlearned, organized involuntary responses that occur automatically in the presence of certain stimuli.
sensory capabilities their senses. Seeing, smell, taste and hearing.
classical conditioning an organism learns to respond in a particular way to a neutral stimulus that normally does not bring about that type of response.
operant conditioning a form of learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its positive or negative consequence.
habituation the decrease in the response to a stimulus that occurs after repeated presentations of the same stimulus.
classical conditioning Ex. a baby stops crying when his mother picks him up because he knows he is going to be fed.
operant conditioning Ex. an infant smiles to his parents which brings their attention to him. he likes the attention so he's going to smile more often.
habituation Ex. a baby shows interest when he sees a new toy, if he keeps seeing the toy over and over again he might start to lose interest in it.
Created by: elvjimenez
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