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NDT Lab Tests

Dysfunctions, Tests, & Directions

What is a severe condition including denial or lack of awareness of the presence or severity of one's paralysis? Anosognosia
How do you test for anosognosia? Ask pt. what happened to armleg, whether he/she is paralyzed, how limb feels & why it can't be moved Pt will deny having anything wrong, make up reasons why it doesn't work Safety is a HUGE issue!
What is an impairment in body scheme- a lack of awareness of body parts to one's self or to others? Somatoagnosia
How do you test for somatoagnosia? Ask pt to point to body parts named by the PT on himself, on the PT & on a picture of a human figure. Don't specify R/L. Relationship of body parts to one another Another example: have pt "put hands over head"
What is the inability to ID right and left sides of one's own body or body of another person? R/L Discrimination
How do you test for R/L discrimination? Ask pt to point to body parts on command (R ear, L foot, etc) 6 responses should be on pt, PT & a pic of a human figure Rule out somatoagnosia first, so test without using R/L to begin
What is the inability to visually distinguish a figure from the background in which it's embedded? Figure-Ground
How do you test figure-ground? Ex: White towel on a white sheet, ask pt to find towel; ask pt to distinguish white button on a white shirt Ayres Test- distinguish 3 objects in an embedded test pic, 6 objects given to find 1 in big picture
What is the inability to perceive subtle differences in form & shape? Form Discrimination
How do you test form discrimination? Present all objects at once in different positions; for example, upside down. Then ask pt to ID objects. First rule out visual object agnosia by presenting objects separately & asking pt to ID them
What is the inability to perceive the relationship of one object in space to another object or to oneself? Spatial Discrimination
How do you test spatial discrimination? Ask pt to set table. Normal person can set plate, silverware, cup in right position. Crossing midline may be a problem with spatial disorganization May not be able to tell time b/c can't tell relationship b/t hands on clock
What is the inability to perceive & interpret spatial concepts such as: up/down, under/over, in/out, in front of/behind? Position in Space
How do you test position in space Ask pt to place objects in different positions in relation to each other (in, on, beneath) Could also have PT place object next to another & have pt describe object's relationship to other object
What is difficulty understanding/remembering relationship of one location to another? Topographic Disorientation
How do you test topographic disorientation? Ask pt to describe or draw a familiar route Is pt able to get from one place to another with/without map Must differentiate this issue from a memory problem
What is the inaccurate judgment of direction, distance & depth? Depth/Distance problem
How do you test depth/distance perceptual problems Distance: "take or grasp object from the table/my hand"; pt may overshoot or undershoot Depth: fill the glass with water; pt may continue pouring after glass is filled
What is the distorted perception of what is vertical, and contributes to disturbance of motor performance? Vertical Disorientation
How do you test vertical disorientation? Hold cane vertically, turn it sideways to horizontal plane, then hand cane to pt & ask them to turn it back to original position Pt will place can at an angle, because their vertical is different from the rest of the world's
What is the inability to recognize familiar objects despite normal function of eyes & optic tracts? It is also the most common agnosia. Visual Object Agnosia
How do you test for visual object agnosia? Name objects, point to the object named, or demo how you use the object Pt will be able to recognize the object once it's handled (info comes from another sensory modality)
What is the inability to recognize forms by handling them, although tactile, proprioceptive, & thermal sensations may be intact? Tactile Agnosia
How do you test for tactile agnosia? Ask pt to ID objects placed in hand by examining them manually w/o visual cues
What is a breakdown b/t concept & performance, although the pt can carry out habitual tasks automatically & describe how they're done, but can't imitate gestures or perform on command? Ideomotor Apraxia
How do you test for ideomotor apraxia? Ask pt to show you how to bang a hammer If pt fails to do this/uses their fist like a hammer, pt told to "pretend to hold hammer" & if pt fails this PT demos the act & asks pt to imitate Pt. can perform spontaneously, not on command
What is a failure in conceptualization of the task, & is the inability to perform a purposeful motor act (auto or on command) b/c pt no longer understands the overall concept, can't retain the idea of the task, or can't formulate req'd motor patterns Ideational Apraxia
How do you test for ideational apraxia? Ask pt to pour a glass of water- they will do it out of order Patient cannot perform a motor act spontaneously & automatically at the appropriate time
Created by: 1190550002
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