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Pharmacology Chap 6

Test 1 Ch. 6

Assessment phase Appraisal of a patient's condition that involves gathering and interpreting data.
Baseline data Patient information that is gathered before pharmacotherapy is implemented.
Evaluation phase Objective assessment of the effectiveness and impact of interventions.
Goal Any object or objective that the patient will attain. Can be short or long term.
Implementation phase When the nurse applies the knowledge, skills, and principles of nursing care to help move the patient toward the desired goal and optimal wellness.
Nursing diagnosis Clinically based judgment about the patient and his or her response to health and illness.
Nursing process Five-part decision-making system that includes assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Objective data Information gathered through physical assessment, laboratory tests, and other diagnostic sources.
Outcome Objective measurement of goals. Patient centered.
Planning phase Linkage of strategies or interventions to established goals and outcomes.
Subjective data Information gathered regarding what a patient states or perceives.
North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) defines nursing diagnosis as a clinical judgement about ind., family, or community responses to actual or potential health processes.
2 most common nursing diagnoses for medication administration are... Knowledge Deficit of and Noncompliance
How are goals written? They will include a subject (usually the patient), the actions required by that subject, under what circumstances, the expected performance, and a specific time frame.
10 rights of drug administration right drug, patient, dose, route, time, teaching, refusal, evaluation, assessment, documentation
Created by: 1SmartLady
Popular Pharmacology sets




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