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Vocabulary List 3


author’s purpose the reason the author is writing
persuade to convince the audience
inform/explain to tell about something
entertain to capture the audience/tell a story
express to express feelings (usually in poetry)
point of view the way the author tells the story
1st Person told by one of the characters; “I”, “me”, “my”
2nd Person the narrator is speaking directly to the audience; “you”, “your”
3rd Person told by an observer not a character; “he”, “she”, “they”
simple subject the main word or words in a sentence that tell who or what is doing or being something
simple predicate the verb
astro stars, heavens, space
poli city government
vid/vis to see
hydroponics a method of growing plants in water instead of soil
earnestness serious and sincere
fervently having or showing very strong feeling
moral concerned with right conduct or with what matters of right and wrong
Created by: dogie
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