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ELO 2 TEST Review

Decomposer breaks down the remains of dead plants and animals
Consumer must eat other organisms for nutrients
Producer make their own energy for nutrients
Food Web overlapping food chains with different pathways for the flow of food energy in an ecosystem
Mutually Beneficial interaction that is helpful to both organisms
Predatory interaction during which one animal eats another
Dead Plants these break down and decompose in the soil so nutrients can be used
Sun produces energy for plants to take in
Food Chain this shows the flow of energy and must start with a plant
Arrow these show the flow of energy and point to the eater
Primary Consumer eat producers
Bacteria and Fungi examples of decomposers
Deer when this organism is hunted, it could make the mountain lion decline
Symbiosis relationships between organisms (mutualism, commensalism, parasitism)
Cleaner Shrimp this organism cleans parasites off other fish
Created by: goffteam
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