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Scientific Method

Definitions for Investigating a Problem or Question

Scientific Method organized set of steps used to figure out a question or problem.
Hypothesis an educated guess
Independent Variable the one thing that you change in an experiment
Dependent Variable is what happens due to the change you made.
Constants all the factors that have to be kept the same.
Control Group serves as a comparison group or the "normal"
Data measurements gathered from the experiment
Conclusion answers to question or problem and what was found out
Experiment specific steps you designed to test your hypothesis.
Model small scale of something.
Observation using senses to see, hear, taste, touch, or smell something
Mean average found by adding the data and dividing by the number of items
Mode numbers in a data set that occur the most.
Median middle number in a set of numbers.
Range difference between the greatest and least number in a data set.
Table, Graph, or Chart used to easily display the date
Created by: mnordby
Popular Science sets